Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/47

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what the backing of the alumni means to us. We know you're always behind us, not only cheering at the games, but trying to dig up good material for the teams, as shown by meetings like this and the one we attended on the way. I want to say that if the football team made good last Fall, it wasn't due to any effort of mine personally." (Shouts of "Oh, no!" "Atta boy, Trask!" and "How about that fifty-yard run?") "I also want to say that in Mike Cavendish Tate has got one of the greatest football coaches that ever lived. (Applause.) Some people may think that Mike is a little rough in his methods, but he's a square fellow and he gets results. I guess that's what we're all looking for. (Cries of "You said it!") Mike couldn't come along with us this trip, unfortunately.

"Maybe it will sound kind of bold for me to say so, but I want to say that I believe we will have next Fall one of the strongest teams that ever represented the university." (Exclamations of "That's the stuff!" and "Atta boy, Trask!") "This year is the last the Freshmen will be able to play on the team. Next year the intercollegiate agreement goes into effect, barring Freshmen. So all the good football material you alumni can get into the university this Fall can be used with good results. In conclusion, I want to introduce