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"Mr. Gaines, the principal at the high school, says a Phi Beta Kappa key is the highest honor you can win at college. He has one," Harold retorted.

"He must be a swell freak of nature then," Walter laughed unpleasantly.

To get even, Harold started on a new tack. "If I went to college," he said argumentatively, "I'd go to Tate."

Walter chuckled as if this were the most absurd statement of all. "Tate?" he snorted. "Say, I was there for six months and it's the last place the Lord made. Positively the worst excuse for a college in the world. Why, they don't even let the students own automobiles and they make 'em go to compulsory Sunday chapel. And classes as early as eight-thirty in the morning. Say, on the level, that joint's the limit. I couldn't stand it."

Walter neglected to state that feeling between Tate and himself had been mutual.

"Still they got some good teams. They beat Union State at football last Fall, 9 to 7."

"Yeh, that was a lucky break all right. This fellow Chester Trask grabbing up a fumble and running darned near the length of the field for a touchdown in the last quarter."

"I met Trask up in Cleveland last March,"