Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/78

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well that pretty soon we had to put in two more chairs. Now the Student Shoe Shine Parlor has been taken over by the Undergraduate Self-Help Bureau and is putting four or five of the boys through college. There are all sorts of ways like that of getting through Tate on nothing a year."

"And you found time to be football captain too," Harold marveled.

"Yes, football is what makes anything else tough, though," Rhoades declared. "When you're playing football, you haven't got time to do much else—even study. The profs kick because the boys on the team don't keep up their work. But it isn't the boys' fault. Not that football takes up a lot of time in itself. But you practice football every afternoon from two until dark, and then see how much you feel like studying at night. You're tired and sore and your head is full of coaching and signals. No, sir, athletes don't fail in their work because they're dumb or not interested. They're just tired. I used to take out my books after dinner in football season and I'd be so doggoned sleepy by nine o'clock that I would doze off right at my study table. My roommate would have to pound my back off to wake me up and get me to bed. For a fellow who is tending furnaces on the side or delivering Tate 'Tattlers' doing anything