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dearer to the hearts of the Low Germans than Reuter, consequently shortly after his death there were many agitations for Reuter memorials.

In New-York and vicinity the subject has received much careful consideration, and, of the many ways proposed of perpetuating the memory of their beloved author, the United Plattdeutsche Society finally conclueded that the establishment of a home for the aged and indigent would be the most fitting. The movement has met with the heartiest support, and the expectations of the most enthusiastic workers in this cause have been far more than realized.

the last day of the twenty-first annual volksfest, which takes places at the Union Hill Schuetzen Park to-day, is devoted exclusively to this object. The entire receipts of the volksfest to-day will be turned over to the Fritz Reuter Memorial Fund. In addition to this, the probabilities are that a considerable portion of the net proceeds of the successful festival of the past week will be contributed to this fund.

The Plattdeutsche Volksfest Verein was founded May 1, 1875, by Louis Glander, August Schwartze, George Gensch, H. Storch, G. Timcke, and Martin Börsmann. These six men issued a call upon all Low Germans interested to meet at 165 Bowery on the evening of May 3, 1875, there to form a permanent organization. This meeting was called to order by Friedrich Flinte, and August Schwartze was selected as Chairman, and Theodor Weber as Secretary.

Invitations to a mass meeting on May 9 at the Beethoven Männerchor Hall were issued to all Low German societies of New-York and vicinity, and on the evening mentioned the following societies were represented by delegates and a permanen organization was effected.

Porgelunen Club, Union Hill, N. J.; Society of the First Fifty; Society of the City of Verden; Roland Verein; Old Münsterländer verin; Oldenburger Verein; North German Club of Hoboken; Amt Rotenburger Club; Empire Brewery Guard; Amt Hugener Club; United North German Club of Greenpoint; Nineteenth Ward Club, No. 1; Amt Lilienthaler Verein; Benevolent North German League, No. 1; Greenville Plattdeutscher Club; New-York Schuetzen Corps; mecklenburg-Pommeranian Society; Jersey Schuetzen Liedertafel; Fritz Reuter Club of Brooklyn; Jersey Schuetzen Corps; Atlantic Brewery Sharpshooters; Plattdütsch Vereen of the Nineteenth Ward; Claus Groth Twenty-second WArd Club; Bremervörder Sociay Club; United Schuetzen Association of New-Jersey; Gehrder Freundschafts Bund; Hudson City North German Club; Ninth Ward Bowling Club; Hamburger Verein, and Yorkville Plattdeutscher Club.

The delegates were addressed by D. H. Busch, Herman Raschen, B. Behrens, and others, upon the object of the meeting and the necessity for forming Low German organizations for the purpose of assisting unfortunate fellow-countrymen, and to bring the Plattdeutsche of this section in closer contact with each other. A permanent organization was effected under the title "Plattdütsch Volksfest Vereen." The following officers were elected for the first year; President—George Gensch; Vice Presidents—D. H. Busch, H. Stemmermann, Anton Meyer, Herman Raschen, and J. F. Rottmann; Secretary—Theodore Weber; Assistant Secretaries—August Schwartze, L. Gottschalk, George Simoke, William Wey-