Page:The Fruit of the Tree (Wharton 1907).djvu/516

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need that badly—I want to get back my self-respect. With my record I oughtn’t to be where I am—and you can speak for me better than any one.”

“Why better than the doctors you’ve worked with?” Justine put the question abruptly, looking him straight in the eyes.

His glance dropped, and an unpleasant flush rose to his thin cheeks.

“Well—as it happens, you’re better situated than any one to help me to the particular thing I want.”

“The particular thing——?”

“Yes. I understand that Mr. Langhope and Mrs. Ansell are both interested in the new wing for paying patients at Saint Christopher’s. I want the position of house-physician there, and I know you can get it for me.”

His tone changed as he spoke, till with the last words it became rough and almost menacing.

Justine felt her colour rise, and her heart began to beat confusedly. Here was the truth, then: she could no longer be the dupe of her own compassion. The man knew his power and meant to use it. But at the thought her courage was in arms.

“I’m sorry—but it’s impossible,” she said.

“Impossible—why?” ‘

She continued to look at him steadily. “You said just now that you Wished to regain your self-respect.

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