Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/116

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Indiana University Studies

rial (Diplolepis No. 1) on which Fourcroy's quercus was based apparently from the neighborhood of Paris; the source of Olivier's material of scutellaris may also have been central France, or it may have been Manosque (the only locality mentioned in the publication) in Provence.

The present descriptions are based on the published descriptions cited in the bibliography, and on adults and galls which I have from localities in Denmark, Germany, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, France, and England, determined by G. Mayr, Forsius, P. Eigen, Noury, Sajo, Hoffmeyer, Hedicke, and L. H. Weld, as detailed in the above distribution data.

INQUILINES.—Synergus albipes Hartig (acc. Blösch 1903).

S. nervosus Hartig (acc. Hartig 1840). Emerges from February to April in the following spring (acc. Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910).

S. pallicomis Hartig (acc. Hartig 1840). Emerges in May of the following spring; lives inside the larval cell (acc. Mayr 1872).

S. physoceras Hartig? (acc. Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910).

S. tscheki Mayr (acc. Mayr 1872). Emerges in April of the following spring.

S. varius Hartig (acc. Hoffmeyer 1925).

S. vulgaris Hartig (acc. Hartig 1840). Emerges from March to May in the following spring (acc. Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910).

Saphonecrus cortnatus (Hartig) (acc. Mayr 1872). Emerges in April and May of the following spring (acc. Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910).

Steganoptycha corticana H. (acc. Riedel 1910). Lepidopteron.

[Reinhard, 1865, Berliner Ent. Zeit. 9:2, is in error in saying Hartig bred Synergus nigripes and S. ftavicomis from folii.]

PARASITES.—Callimome antennatus Walker (acc. Mayr-Fitch 1866). Emerges March to June of the following spring; sometimes hyperparasitic on the inquilines.

Camptoptera dryophantae (acc. Kieffer 1902).

Cecidostiba truncata Thomson (Thomson 1878 acc. Dalla Torre 1898).

Decatoma biguttata (Swederus) (acc. Marshall, 1867). Emerges in May of the following spring, earlier indoors (acc. Mayr-Fitch 1876).

D. strigifrons Thomson (Kieffer 1886 acc. Kieffer 1899).

Eupelmus urozonus Dalman (acc. Ruschka 1920).

E. vesicularis (Retzius) (acc. Ruschka 1920).

Eutelus dilectus Walker (acc. Fahringer 1921).

Eurytoma appendigaster (Swederus) (Möller 1882 acc. Dalla Torre 1898).

E. aterrima (Schrank) (Rondani acc. Dalla Torre 1898).

E. nodularis Boheman (acc. Mayr-Fitch 1876).

E. rosae Nees (acc. Ratzeburg 1848). Emerges in May and June of the following year (acc. Mayr 1878).

Habrocytus saxesenii Ratzeburg (acc. Riedel 1910).

Megastigmus dorsalis (Fabricius) (acc. Mayr-Fitch 1876).