Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/124

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Indiana University Studies

Diplolepis taschenbergi Kieffer, 1914, Schröder Ins. Mitteleuropas 3 (3):20, 23, 31, 42, 63, 70, fig. 36. pl. 3 fig. 11.

Diplolepis quercus folii Henrich, 1916, Verh. Siebenbürg. Ver. Hermannstadt 66:101.

Cynips folii form taschenbergi Kinsey, 1920, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 42:379.

FEMALE AND MALE.—Said to differ in no respect from C. folii flosculi form flosculi. Differing from C. longiventris longiventris form substituta in having the legs including the femora a brighter, clearer yellow; differing from C. dixnsa divisa form verrucosa in having the mesonotum and mesopleura entirely smooth and shining (figs. 77, 78, 82, 89, 90, 92, 99, 113).

GALL.—Very similar to that of C. folii flosculi form flosculi and C. longiventris similis; bearing shorter hairs (which, however, form a solid, puberulent covering for the gall), being at first red and then rich violet-purple and finally blackened in color; on the young stems, or (more often) on the large stems or the main trunk, on Quercus pedunculata and Q. sessiliflora; probably also on Q. pubescens. Figures 107–112, 121, 127–-128.

RANGE.—Probably the same as that of the agamic form of the variety folii (q.v.)t which ranges thruout more Central Europe (fig. 15). The bisexual form taschenbergi is definitely known from the following localities:

England: Sedbury Park in Gloucestershire (Ormerod acc. Mayr-Fitch 1878). Southern part (acc. Connold 1908). Nottingham (acc. Mayr-Fitch 1878).

Holland: (acc. Beyerinck 1883).

France: Normandy (acc. Noury 1911). Bitsch (Kieffer acc. Houard 1914).

Germany: Schleswig (acc. Adler 1881). Steglitz (acc. Hedicke 1915). Halle (Taschenberg acc. Schlechtendal 1870). Gera (acc. Dieroff 1911). Bavaria (acc. Ross 1916). Grünberg in Silesia (acc. Dittrich and Schmidt 1909). Wachberg near Dresden (acc. Riedel 1896). Tharandt (Baer acc. Riedel 1910). Zwickau (Schlechtendal acc. Riedel 1910). Solingen (P. Eigen in Kinsey coll.). Berlin (in Kinsey coll.).

Czecho-Slovakia: Jicîn (acc. Baudys 1926).

Italy: Triest? (acc. Gräffe 1905).

Denmark: Basnaes (Hoffmeyer in Kinsey coll.). Korsör (Hoffmeyer in Kinsey coll.).

Rumania: Hermannstadt (acc. Henrich 1916).

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Schlechtendal, 1870, Stettiner Ent. Zeit. 31:391. spathegaster taschenbergi, n. sp.

Niger; mesothoracis dorso nitidissime laevi; antennis ♂ 15 ♀ 14 articulatis, fusco-nigris, basi earum, mandibulis apice, abdominis petiolo basique segmenti primi extrema obscuris; squamulis pedibusque ferrugineis; coxis basi unguiculisque nigris. Alis hyalinis, neuris obscuris. Abdomine ♂ breviter petiolato, ♀ subsessili.

Longitudine corporis 2–2,5 Millimeter.