Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/128

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sidered by Kieffer (1901:620) a synonym of our present insect. Förster's original description is obviously inconsistent and it is not enough, it seems to me, for the certain recognition of synonomy from the publication alone. Förster's material came from France (Aix-la-Chapelle), Switzerland, and Sweden, but no one, as far as I can find, has recognized the insect in additional material. This, admittedly, seems evidence that Förster had some common insect which is now passing under another name, and Kieffer may have been correct in considering it a synonym of taschenbergi; but since sulcata (1869) would then have precedence over taschenbergi (1870), and since the status of the generic name Liodora is further dependent on this decision—which cannot be substantiated by authentic specimens—I prefer to withhold judgment on the point and have relegated Liodora sulcata to the list of excluded species at the end of the present paper.

Ormerod (1877, The Ent. 10: 43) recorded this gall as occurring on Q. cerris and Q. cerris Lucombeana in England. Fitch, on the same page in the same publication, questioned the determination of the cynipid. Houard (1908, Zoocécid. Europe 1:330, 341) accepts Ormerod's original data, apparently overlooking the fact that Ormerod himself (1878, The Ent. 11:201-204) soon decided that the galls he had collected were those of Andricus circulans instead of taschenbergi. There is, then, no basis for Q. cerris or its varieties as host of our Cynips.

Cynips folii variety flosculi

agamic form pubescentis (Mayr)

Figures 16, 95, 136, 137

—— [no name] Malpighi, 1686, De Gallis: 20 line 38, fig. 17, and line 10, fig. 18 [acc. Massalongo, 1898, Malpighia 11:17].

Cynipidem Quercus folii Spinola, 1806, Ins. Ligur. 1:158. Mantero, 1906, Ann. Mus. Nat. Genova (3) 2:446. Septima Especie Ramirez, 1808, Agric. Artes Madrid 23: [acc. Trotter, 1921, Marcellia 17:90].

Cynips Quercus folii err. det. Ratzeburg, 1844, Ichneum. Forstins. 1:178. Ratzeburg, 1848, Ichneum. Forstins. 2:217. Ratzeburg, 1852, Ichneum. Forstins. 3:35, 71, 91, 223, 254.

Cynips folii err. det. Schenck, 1865, Jahrb. Ver. Nassau 17-18:179 (♀, ⊕). Karsch, 1883, Die Insektenwelt: 213. Dalla Torre, 1898, Cat. Hymen. 4:35, 259.