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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

Hymen. 4:121. Dalla Torre, 1893, Cat. Hymen. 2:50. Riedel, 1896, Gallen und Gallwespen: 35. Kieffer, 1899, 111. Zeit. Ent. 4: exc. 2. Kieffer, 1901, André Hymén. Europe 7 (1):108, 625, pl. 16 fig. 12 (♀, ♂, ⊕). Kieffer, 1901, Ann. Soc. Ent. France 1901:410. Darboux and Houard, 1901, Zoocécid. Europe: 329, fig. 568. Darboux and Houard, 1902, Zoocécid. Hilfsbuch: 41. Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1902, Gen. Ins. Hymen. Cynip.: 52. Kieffer, 1903, André Hymén. Europe 7 (2):678. Mayr, 1903, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 53:392, 397. Mayr, 1905, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 55:546. Gräffe, 1905, Boll. Soc. nat. Triest 23:31. Darboux and Houard, 1907, Galles de Cynipides: 218, pl. 18 fig. 5 (⊕) . Houard, 1908, Zoocécid. Europe 1:237, (275?), fig. 351. Ruschka, 1920, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 70:238, 304. Trotter, 1923, Marcellia 19:144.

Diplolepis quercus (sex. gen.) Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910, Das Tierreich 24: 343, 351, 642, 742, fig. 67 (♀, ♂, ⊕). Houard, 1912, Marcellia 11: 33, 110. Houard, 1919, Marcellia 16:139. Houard, 1919, Marcellia 17:11. Ross and Hedicke, 1927, Pflanzengallen Mit.-und Nordeuropas: 224. Tavares, 1928, Broteria 25:21, fig. 35.

Diplolepis flosculi Kieffer, 1914, Schröder Ins. Mitteleurop. 3 (3):20, 42, pl. 2 fig. 13.

FEMALE AND MALE.—Apparently as described for the subgenus and species, said to differ in no respect from the bisexual insects of C. folii folii form taschenbergi; therefore differing from C. longiventris form substituta in having the legs including the femora a brighter, clearer yellow; differing from the bisexual C. divisa form verrucosa in having the entire mesonotum and mesopleuron smooth and shining.

GALL.—Very similar to that of C. folii folii form taschenbergi and C. longiventris form similis; described as bearing longer hairs which are yellowish and red in color; recorded only from buds on the young stems of Quercus pubescens (and Q. Toza?).

RANGE.—Probably that of the agamic form pubescentis (fig. 16), which occurs thruout the Mediterranean area of Europe, Asia Minor, and northern Africa. The bisexual form flosculi is known definitely from:

France: Vincennes (acc. Giraud 1868).

Italy: Palermo (Stefani acc. Houard 1912:33).

Austria: Vienna (Mayr acc. Tschek 1869).

Hungary (Paszlavszky acc. Kieffer 1901).

Czecho-Slovakia (acc. Bayer 1914).

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS.—Of flosculi: Giraud, 1868, Bull. Soc. ent. France 1868:54.

4° Galle de Spathegaster flosculi Mihi.

Cette forme, que j'ai observée depuis longtemps en Autriche, est aussi inédite. Les échantillons que j'ai découverts à Vincennes sont perforés, presque secs, mais très-reconnaissables. Elle est plus précoce que

l'espèce précédente et se montre dès les premiers signes du réveil de la