Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/137

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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

zend, nur an den äussersten Rändern mit einigen zerstreuten Punkten; Vorderbrustseiten punktirt, Mittelbrustseiten polirt mit einem fein runzligen glanzlosen Flecke unter den Vorderflügeln. Schildchen ziemlich grob runzlig, etwas glänzend. Hinterleib glänzend schwarz, der des ♀ gegen das Ende zusammengedrückt, etwas höher als lang, mit kaum merklichem Stielchen; der des ♂ klein, sehr zusammengedrückt, gestielt; Stielchen kaum so lang oder kürzer als die halbe Hinterhüfte. Flügel etwas getrübt, mit schwarzbraunen Nerven. In der Humeralzelle, dort wo der Mittelnerv kurz unterbrochen ist, ein sehr deutliches kleines Wölkchen von brauner Farbe; dies Merkmal ist constant und kann als für die Art charakteristisch angesehen werden. An den Beinen sind Hüften und Schenkelringe schwärzlich mit gelbbrauner Spitze, die Basis der Schenkel an den 2 ersten Fusspaaren schwarzbraun, die der Hinterschenkel meist etwas gebräunt; die Tarsen mit Ausnahme der Basis braun.

Translation: On the first of May of this year I found, on low bushes of Quercus pubescens, a small gall which proved upon further study to be undescribed. This occurs laterally but never terminally on the twigs and older stems, and it is apparently a bud gall. The gall is 2.75 to 4.5 mm. in length, being essentially egg-shaped, thickly set with a matted, upright pubescence, surrounded at the base with small, brown scales, and yellowish-green when mature, the young gall usually red and consisting of a very thin, woody but not very firm shell which directly encloses the larval cell.…

Spathegaster giraudi, new species. Black, the palps and often the mandibles, the femora except for their bases (at least of the anterior femora) and the tibiae brownish piceous; the subcostal [?] cell of the anterior wings marked with a clouded spot; the mesonotum with grooves, polished, and naked; the abdomen of the male petiolate, that of the female subsessile; the antennae of the male 15-segmented, that of the female, therefore, 14-segmented; length 2 to 3 mm.

The head is thickly punctate, dull; the mandibles and palps are usually dark, in many cases however more or less yellowish brown. The antennae of the female are as long as the body, often rather rufous basally, that of the male being longer, its third segment somewhat incised. The mesonotum with its deep parapsidal grooves is smooth and shining, having a scattered punctation only on its outer margin; the pronotum is laterally punctate, the mesopleura polished but the tegulae dull and finely rugose. The scutellum apparently quite rugose, rather shining. The abdomen shining black, that of the female compressed posteriorly, rather higher than long, with a scarcely noticeable petiole; that of the male small, much compressed, petiolate, the petiole scarcely as long or even shorter than half the length of the hind coxa. Wings slightly opaque, with dark brown veins. In the subcostal [?] cell, right where the subcosta is abruptly broken, there is a small and distinct, brownish spot which is constant and may serve as a diagnostic character for this species. As for the legs, the coxae and trochanters

are black with golden brown tips, the bases of the femora of the two