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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

proved to occur in France north of a narrow Mediterranean strip in Provence, it is more than likely that the Vincennes material represented the bisexual form of folii, altho the Austrian material might well have been, as Mayr determined, the same as Tschek's giraudi from Austria. Since none of these workers established holotypes, it seems impossible to settle this question on the basis of actual material, and I have accepted usage in the application of these names.

Cynips folii variety ilicicola, new name

agamic form

Figure 16

Dryophanta ilicis Kieffer, 1896, Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1896; 371 (♀, ⊕).

Dryophanta pubescentis err. syn. Kieffer, 1903, André Hymén. Europe 7 (2):679. Err. syn. Houard, 1908, Zoocécid. Europe 1: 285.

Diplolepis quercus (agamic generation) Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910 (only in part), Das Tierreich 24: 351, 764, 778.

[NOT Cynips quercus ilicis Fabricius, 1798, Ent. Syst. Suppl.:213 (acc. Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910: 391)].

FEMALE.—Not recognizable from typical folii on the basis of the published description (Kieffer 1896).

GALL.—Said to differ (acc. Kieffer 1896) from pubescentis only in its more irregular, spotted, and blunt-tuberculate surface. On Quercus Ilex.

RANGE.—Spain: Uclés (Pantel acc. Kieffer 1896). Figure 16.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Kieffer, 1896, Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1896:371. Dryophanta ilicis n.sp.—Voisin de D. folii L., dont elle diffère par le douzième article antennaire un peu moins long que gros, les ailes hyalines et l'oviducte proéminent.

Long. 3 mill.

La galle produite par cette espèce ne diffère de celle de D. pubescentis Mayr que par de petites verrues d'un brun sombre, entourées d'une tache brun clair, éparses sur la surface. Sur Quercus Ilex L. Je dois également cet insecte à l'obligeance du Révérend Père Pantel.

Environs de Uclès.

Translation. Dryophanta ilicis new species. Related to D. folii L., from which it differs in having the twelfth antennal segment not quite as long as broad, in having hyaline wings, and in its protruding ovipositor. Length 3. mm. The gall produced by this species differs from that of D. pubescentis Mayr only in having small dull brown warts, surrounded by touches of clear brown, scattered over the surface. On Quercus Ilex L. I am indebted to Father Pantel for this insect. Found in the neighborhood of Uclés [in central Spain].