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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

FEMALE AND MALE.—Differing from the bisexual adults of C. folii form taschenbergi only in having the legs duller yellow, with the femora yellowish brown to brownish piceous, this difference more apparent in the females than in the males. Differing from the bisexual adults of C. divisa form verrucosa in having the mesonotum and mesopleuron entirely smooth and shining. Figure 100.

GALL.—Very similar to the galls of the bisexual forms of Cynips folii. Dull green in color, with a rather long, gray pubescence, and a sharply pointed tip; up to 20. mm. in length. On the bark at the bases of older stems or (less often) two year old stems; on Quercus pedunculata and Q. sessiliflora.

RANGE.—Probably that of the agamic form longiventris (fig. 17) which is confined to more Central Europe and which is not known in the Mediterranean area. The bisexual form substituta is known definitely from:

England: southern part (acc. Connold 1908).

Holland (acc. Beyerinck 1883).

Denmark: Basnaes and Stiznaes (Hoffmeyer in Kinsey coll.).

France: Lorraine (acc. Liebel 1892).

Germany: Schleswig (acc. Adler 1881; types). Lobenstein (acc. Dierdoff 1911). Dresden (Baumwiese acc. Riedel 1910). Bautzen (Mönchsw. and Berg acc. Riedel 1910). Tharandt (Baer acc. Riedel 1910). Lobenstein (Reuss acc. Riedel 1896). Bavaria (acc. Ross 1916).

Austria-Hungary (acc. Houard 1908).

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION (of similis).—Adler, 1881, Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. 35:190, pl. 11 fig. 15a. Galle:Ungefähr 2 mm lang, der vorigen ähnlich aber schlanker und mehr zugespitzt, von grünlich grauer Farbe und sammetartiger Oberfläche.… Übrigens ist die stärkere und längere Beharrung ein wesentlicher Unterschied von der Taschenbergi-Galle (Fig. 15a).… [Follows an account of the development of the gall and the insect biology].… Wespe: Länge 2 mm, schwarz, Taschenbergi zum Verwechseln ähnlich, nur an der dunkleren Färbung der Beine zu unterscheiden; diese sind dunkler gelb, Schenkel und Tibien am Auszenrande schwärzlich.

Translation: Gall approximately 2 mm. in length, very similar to the preceding [folii taschenbergi] but more slender and more pointed, with a greenish gray color and velvety surface.… The more stiff and longer hairs constitute the prime difference from the gall of taschenbergi.… The wasp is 2 mm. in length, black, and very easily mistaken for taschenbergi from which it is to be distinguished only by its darker legs; these are dull yellow, with the femora and tibiae blackish on the margins.

TYPES.—Of similis: 9 insects designated as types in the Vienna Museum (acc. F. Maidl in litt.). From Schleswig, Germany; Adler collector. Now designated as types of the new name substituta. The present descriptions are based on the published descriptions

cited in the bibliography, and on six insects which I have from Den-