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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Hartig, 1840, Germar Ent. Zeit. 2:188. C. divisa m.: antennarum articulis 2 ultimis connatis, 4-7 elongatis, rufa, antennis, metathoracis declivitate, basi dorsoque abdominis, basi summa coxarum fusco-nigris. Long. 1½ lin.

Die einkammerige Galle kugelig, etwas niedergedrückt, von der Grösse einer Rehposte, glatt und fast glänzend, wie Aepfel mit kirschrothen Backen, fleischig abter hart, auf der Unterseite der Eichenblätter—nicht häufig—um Braunschweig.

Translation. Cynips divisa, new species. With the last two segments of the antennae united, segments 4 to 7 elongate; the insect rufous, with the antennae, the sides of the metathorax, the base and the dorsal surface of the abdomen, and the very bases of the coxae piceous black; the length 3 mm.

The monothalamous gall spherical, rather flattened, the size of deer shot, smooth and more or less shining, like an apple with bright red cheeks, fleshy but hard, on the lower surfaces of the oak leaves; not common; found around Braunschweig.

TYPES.—Not designated and probably not in existence. Hartig's material from Braunschweig, Germany.

The present descriptions are based on the published descriptions cited in the accompanying bibliography, and on several hundred insects and as many galls which I have from localities in Denmark, France, and Germany, determined by G. Mayr (Mus. Comp. Zool. coll.), Houard, Noury, Sajo, Forsius, P. Eigen, and Hoffmeyer, as detailed in the above distribution data.

INQUILINES.—Synergus albipes Hartig. Emerges in August of the same year (acc. Mayr 1872).

S. gallaepomiformis (Fonscolombe) (= S. fascialis Hartig) (acc. Blösch 1903).

S. pallicornis Hartig. Emerges in April of the following spring (acc. Mayr 1872).

S. tscheki Mayr. Emerges in March of the following spring (acc. Mayr 1872).

PARASITES.—Decatoma biguttata (Swederus) (acc. Mayr-Fitch 1876). Emerges the same fall or in April and June of the following year. (acc. Mayr 1905).

D. variegata Curtis (= D . signata Nees) (acc. Blösch 1903).

Eucoila basalis (Hartig) (Radoszkowski acc. Kieffer 1901). A parasite of the family Figitidae.

Eupelmus urozonus Dalman (acc. Adler-Straton 1894).

Eurytoma aethiops Boheman (acc. Blösch 1903).

E. appendigaster (Swederus) (Förster acc. Dalla Torre 1898).

E. rosae Nees (= E. squamea Walker). Emerges from July of the same year into the following spring; the earlier emergents at least are parasitic on the Synergus inquilines of the galls (acc. Mayr-Fitch 1876 and Mayr 1878).

E. setigera Mayr. Emerges in July and August of the same year (acc. Mayr 1878).