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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

Dryophanta verrucosas Cameron, 1891, Trans. & Ann. Rpt. Manchester Micros. Soc. 1891: 67, pl. 4 fig. 17a.

Dryophanta divisa (sex. gen.) Cameron, 1893, Brit. Phytoph. Hymen. 4:127, pl. 2 fig. 4a, pl. 16 fig. 1a (♀, ♂, ⊕).

Diplolepis divisa (sex. gen.) Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910, Das Tierreich 24:343, 349, 756, 783, 789, fig. 174 B (♀, ♂, ⊕). Kieffer, 1914, Schröder Ins. Mitteleuropas 3 (3):63. Henrich, 1916, Verh. Siebenbûrg. Ver. Hermannstadt 66: 104. Ross, 1916, Pflanzengallen Bayerns: 63. Houard, 1919, Marcellia 16:139. Houard, 1919, Marcellia 17:11. Ross and Hedicke, 1927, Pflanzengallen Mit.- und Nordeuropas: 231. Tavares, 1928, Broteria 25:31, fig. 33. Diplolepis verrucosa Kieffer, 1914, Schröder Ins. Mitteleuropas 3 (3):20, 44, 63, pl. 2 fig. 6 b.

Cynips divisa form verrucosus Kinsey, 1920, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 42:379.

FEMALE AND MALE.—Differing from the bisexual forms known for other species of European Cynips in having the mesonotum somewhat roughened especially anteriorly about the parapsidal grooves, the mesopleura with a limited rough spot, and the tip of the second abscissa of the radius with, perhaps, a more distinct sort of triangulate enlargement. Fig. 101.

GALL.—Irregularly cylindrical cells irregularly constricted to give the appearance of two or three fused cylinders, each conically tipped; up to 2.5 by 8.0 mm. in width and length; swollen a bit where it is attached to the leaf; green or reddish, slightly pubescent, set with minute, watery vesicles. Attached at the edge of a leaf, at the tip of a vein; rarely in the buds or on the young shoots. Known only from Quercus pedunculata and Q. sessiliflora.

RANGE.—Probably that of the agamic form divisa (fig. 18), which is confined to more Central Europe. The bisexual form verrucosa is definitely recorded from the following localities:

England: southern part (acc. Connold 1908).

Denmark (acc. Houard 1908).

Germany: Freiburg i. B. (acc. Rössig 1904). Halle (acc. Schlechtendal 1870). Near Berlin (acc. Schlechtendal 1870). Schleswig (acc. Adler 1881). Thüringen (in Kinsey coll.). Bavaria (acc. Ross 1916). Dresden (acc. Riedel 1910). Zwickau (acc. Schlechtendal 1870). Wartha, Zobten, and Neuwaldau (acc. Dittrich and Schmidt 1909). Grünberg in Silesia (acc. Schmidt 1907). Nisky in der Lausitz (acc. Schlechtendal 1870).

France: Normandy (acc. Noury 1911). Lorraine (Liebel acc. Riedel 1896).

Austria: Northern Tyrol (acc. Fortwaengler 1907).

Rumania: Hermannstadt (acc. Henrich 1916).

Czecho-Slovakia: (acc. Bayer 1914).

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Schlechtendal, 1870, Stettiner Ent. Zeit. 31:389. spathegaster verrucosus, n. sp.