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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

Austria: Lower Austria (Mayr in Mus. Comp. Zool.). Ambrasser Park in Tyrol (Peyritsch acc. Dalla Torre 1892).

Czecho-Slovakia: northern Bohemia (in Kinsey coll.). Brandys nad Labem, Jicln, Rozdalovice, Sobotka, Hrdonovice, Msene, and Mnichovo Hradisté (acc. Bayer 1910). Königsall and Dawle (acc. Baudys 1916). Trest, Tisnov and Kurim (acc. Baudys 1925). Chlumec n. Cidl., Hradec Kralové, Jindr. Hradec, Tabor, Horazdovice, Prague, Ml. Boleslav, Butoves, Robousy, Popovic, Zeleznice, Trosky, Hodkovice n. Moh., Chotebor, Zbraslavi, Kopidlna, and Brno (all acc. Baudys 1926). Also see Bayer, 1914, Moravské Hâlky: 77.

Italy: Valtellina (acc. Mariani 1908).

Hungary: near Budapest (Sajo in Kinsey coll.).

Rumania: Hermannstadt (acc. Henrich 191C). Putna (Pascanilor, La Manastirea Neamtului and Vanatori (acc. Brandza 1914). Tulchea and Bakau (acc. Borcea 1912).

Apparently confined to more Central Europe, known from Hungary to southeastern France, England, and Denmark. Not known in the Mediterranean areas of Europe or Africa. The record for Asia Minor needs re-determination. Figure 19.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Hartig, 1840, Germar Ent. Zeit. 2:188. C. agama m.: nigra; ore, orbitis oculorum, collare, thoracis dorso, scutello, pedibusque rufis, coxis femorumque basi plus minus nigris; thoracis dorso minus villoso quam in antecedentibus; alae nervis rufis. Long. 1½ lin.

Die Galle von der Grösse, Form und Farbe einer Erbse, etwas länger als breit und hoch, an der Basis eingedruckt; dadurch fast nierenförmig, einkammerig, auf den Blättern junger Eichen mitunter in sehr grosser Zahl.

Translation. Cynips agama, new species. Black; with the mouth, the area about the eyes, the pronotum, the mesonotum, the scutellum, and the legs rufous; the coxae and the bases of the femora more or less dark; the mesonotum less hairy than in C. longiventris; the wing veins reddish; the length 3 mm.

The gall the size, form, and color of a pea, somewhat longer than high and wide, narrower at the base, therefore almost kidney-shaped; monothalamous; on the leaves of the young oaks, at times in very great numbers.

TYPES.—Not designated and probably not in existence. Hartig's material from northern Germany.

The present descriptions are based on the published descriptions cited in the bibliography, and on material which I have from Germany, France, Hungary, Bohemia, (and Finland?), bearing determinations by P. Eigen, Forsius, Houard, Noury, and Sajo (as detailed in the distribution data).

INQUILINES.—Synergies albipes Hartig. Emerges in August of the same year (acc. Mayr 1872).

S. apicalis Hartig (Brischke 1882 acc. Kieffer 1901).