Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/178

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Indiana University Studies

tenberg in Saxony (acc. Weidel 1911). Bleicherode (P. Eigen in Kinsey coll.). Halle (acc. Schlechtendal 1870). Freiburg i. B. (acc. Rössig 1904). Zwickau (acc. Schlechtendal 1870). Buchow (Schirmer in Kinsey coll.). Gera (acc. Dieroff 1911). Bavaria (acc. Ross 1916). Bautzen (near Dresden, and Berggiesshiibel (acc. Riedel 1910).

Austria: Vienna (Mayr in Kinsey coll.). Bozen (acc. Mayr 1882). Northern Tyrol (acc. Fortwaengler 1907).

Czecho-Slovakia: Brandys nad Labem, Jirfn, Tabor, Konecchlum, and Loreta (acc. Bayer 1910). Brno (acc. Baudys 1925). Kopidlna and Zeleznice (acc. Baudys 1926). Near Prague (acc. Baudys 1916). Also see Bayer, 1914, Moravské Hálky: 77.

Hungary (Paszlavszky acc. Kieffer 1901).


Possible extension of known range shown by shading.

Italy: Triest (acc. Gräffe 1905; also in Kinsey coll.). Valtellina (acc. Mariani 1908). Southern Tyrol (acc. Mayr 1878).

Known thruout Central Europe, from Hungary and southern France to England and northern Germany. It is probably a distinct variety that is recorded for Spain and Portugal. Figure 20.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Hartig, 1840, Germar Ent. Zeit. 2:188. C. disticha m.: rufa; antennis obscure-fuscis; strigis dorsalibus mesothoracis, basi coxarum femorumque, metathoracis declivitate, dorsoque abdominis plus minus nigris. Long. 1¼-1½ lin.

Die Galle von der Grösse, Form und Farbe einer Erbse, nach oben kegelförmig etwas verengt, in der Mitte der Oberfläche eingedrückt, mit kleinem Nabel. Die innere Höhlung ist durch eine horizontale Scheidewand in zwei Kammern getheilt, von denen jedoch nur eine bewohnt wird.