Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/184

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Indiana University Studies

Die Wespe bewohnt eine Blattgalle auf Quercus pubescens, und ist eine Entdeckung des Herrn Kollar in der Umgegend Wiens. Die Galle sitzt, wie alle Blattgallen auf der Unterseite des Blattes einer Blattrippe auf und besteht aus einem glatten, harten, drei Linien langen und ½-¾ Linien dicken, in der Mitte verengten, an der Spitze keulenförmig etwas erweiterten, mitunter etwas gekrümmten Hörnchen.

Translation. Cynips carnifex Kollar: black, with the mesonotum spotted black and the legs rufous; the coxae and the posterior tarsi black; length 2 mm.

The wasp lives in a leaf gall on Quercus pubescens, being a discovery of Kollar's in the neighborhood of Vienna. Like all leaf galls on the underside of the leaf, the gall is attached to a leaf vein; it is a smooth and hard horn, 6 mm. long and 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, constricted in the middle, with the tip club-shaped but somewhat swollen, the gall sometimes crumpled.

TYPES.—Not designated and probably not in existence. Originally described from material collected by Kollar in the neighborhood of Vienna, Austria.

The present descriptions are based on the published descriptions cited in the bibliography, on four adults from the Mayr collection (and Mayr det.) in the U.S. National Museum, and on galls from Austria and Italy in the Kinsey collection.

INQUILINE.—Synergus pallicornis Hartig (acc. Mayr 1872). Emerges in April of the following or the second following year (acc. Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910).

PARASITES.—Decatoma biguttata (Swederus). Emerges in the fall and winter of the same year and the following spring.

D. variegata Walker (acc. Mayr 1905).

Eupelmus bedeguaris Ratzeburg (Giraud 1877 acc. Kieffer 1899: 4).

E. spongipartus Förster (acc. Ruschka 1920).

E. urozonus Dalman (acc. Ruschka 1920).

Eurytoma rosae Nees. Emerges the same fall and into the following June (acc. Mayr 1878).

Ormyrus punctiger Westwood (Rondani acc. Dalla Torre 1898). Emerges in December of the first year, and from May to July in the following year (acc. Mayr 1904).

Pteromalus incrassatus Ratzeburg (acc. Mayr 1903). Emerges in January and February of the following year.

Syntomaspis lazulina Förster (acc. Wachtl 1886).

Torymus abdominalis Boheman (Giraud 1877 acc. Kieffer 1899).

The beautiful, slender, conical, green or reddish-brown gall of this species is a unique departure from the more or less strictly spherical galls of the other species of European Cynips. Internally the gall shows some of the compact, spongy fibers which occur in the galls of nearly all species of