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Indiana University Studies

Amentorum Hartig, by Kaltenbach, 1867, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. 24: 63 (acc. D.T.93: 97).

Amerinae Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1:554.

Amygdali Buckton, 1879, Monog. Brit. Aphid. 2:150, pi. 73 fig. 6 (acc. D.T. and K. 10:288).

Analis Fonscolombe, by D.T.93: 65.

Anceps. Kinsey. Present assignment.

Anthracina Curtis, 1838, Brit. Ent. 15: 688.

Apache Kinsey. Present assignment.

Aprilinus Giraud, by Kaltenbach, 1874, Pflanzenfeinde: 673, 793.

Aptera Bosc, 1791, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris 2:18 (acc. D.T.93: 59).

Aquaticae Ashmead, 1881, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 9: XVI.

Arbos Pitch, 1859, 5th Rpt. Nox. Ins. N.Y.: 809.

Argentea Hartig, 1843, Germar Ent. Zeit. 4:401.

Arida Kinsey. Present assignment.

Aries Wachtl, 1876, Sprawozd. Komisyi. Fizyogr. Krakowie 10:19, 27 (acc. D.T.93: 66).

Armatus Cresson, 1865, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 4:4.

Ashmeadi Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910, Das Tierreich 24:440.

Atra Müller, 1764, Fauna Ins. Fridrichsdal: 68 (acc. D.T.93: 66).

Atrata Kinsey. Present assignment.

Atricepe Buckton, 1879, Monog. Brit. Aphid. 2:150 (acc. D.T.93: 66).

Atridivisa Kinsey. Present assignment.

Atrifolii Kinsey. Present assignment.

Attenuata Latreille, 1805, Hist. Crust. & Ins. 13:223 (acc. D.T.93: 66).

Aurata Müller, 1764, Fauna Ins. Fridrichsdal: 68 (acc. D.T.93: 66).

Autumnalis Hartig, 1841, Germar Ent. Zeit. 3: 336.

Baccarum Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1: 553.

Batatoides Ashmead, 1881, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 9: XI.

Batatus Fitch, 1859, 5th Rpt. Nox. Ins. N.Y.:810.

Bella Bassett, 1881, Canad. Ent. 13:93.

Bicolens Kinsey. Present assignment.

Bicolor Harris, 1841, Ins. Mass. Inj. Veget.:399.

Bifurca Kinsey. Present assignment.

Bimaculata Schenck, 1865, Jahrb. Ver. Nassau 17-18:178, 185.

Bombycida Rondani, 1877, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. 9:172, pi. 4 fig. 138, 139 (acc. D.T. & K. 10:443).

Brachycentra Thomson, 1877, Opusc. Ent. 8:788.

Brandtii Ratzeburg, 1831, Berliner Jahrb. Pharm. 32:183 (acc. D.T. 93:117).

Brevipennata Gillette. Present assignment.

Burgundus Giraud, by Kaltenbach, 1867, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. 24:68 (acc. D.T.93: 81).

Caliciformis Giraud, 1859, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 9:339.

Calicis Burgsdorf, 1783, Schrift. Berlin. Ges. naturf. Fr. 4 : 5 (acc. D.T. 93:66).

Californicus Bassett, 1881, Canad. Ent. 13: 51.

Callidoma Giraud, 1859, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 9:348.