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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

Operator Osten Sacken, 1862, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 1: 257.

Opima Kinsey. Present assignment.

Osten-sackenii Bassett, 1863, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 2: 327.

Ostreus Giraud, by Kaltenbach, 1867, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. 24: 67 (acc. D.T. 93: 93).

Ozark Kinsey. Present assignment.

Packorum Kinsey. Present assignment.

Palliceps Hartig, by Westwood, 1854, Trans. Ent. Soc. London 3 (2): 21 (acc. D.T.93: 113).

Pallida Olivier, by Fairmaire, 1846, Ann. Soc. Ent. France 1846: XXX.

Pallidicomis Curtis, 1838, Brit. Ent. :688.

Pallipes Bassett. Present assignment.

Palustris Osten Sacken, 1861, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 1: 63.

Panteli Tavares, 1902, Ann. Sei. Nat. Porto 7: 42.

Papillata Osten Sacken, 1865, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 4: 352.

Papula Bassett, 1881, Canad. Ent. 13: 107.

Patelloides Weld. Present assignment.

Pattoni Bassett, 1881, Canad. Ent. 13: 98.

Pedestris Curtis, 1838, Brit. Ent.: 688.

Pedunculata Bassett, by Ashmead in Packard, 1890, 5th Rpt. U.S. Ent. Comm.: 114.

Pedunculi Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1: 554.

Perlae Müller, 1764, Fauna Ins. Fridrichsdal : 68 (acc. D.T.93: 74).

Petiolata Zetterstedt, 1838, Ins. Lappon. 1: 409 (acc. D.T.93: 13).

Petiolata Thomson, 1877, Opus. Ent. 8: 788.

Petioli Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1: 554.

Petioli Hartig, by Kaltenbach, 1867, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. 24: 63 (acc. D.T. 93: 93).

Petiolicola Bassett, 1863, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 2: 325.

Pezizaeformis Schlechtendal, by Kaltenbach, 1874, Pflanzenfeinde: 672.

Pezomachoides Osten Sacken, 1862, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 1: 250.

Phellos Osten Sacken, 1861, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 1: 70.

Picta Hartig, in Rosenhauer, 1856, Th. Andalus.:374 (acc. D.T.93: 75).

Pigra Bassett, 1881, Canad. Ent. 13: 105.

Pisum Fitch, 1859, 5th Rpt. Nox. Ins. N.Y.: 818.

Plumbea Weld, 1926, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 68 (10): 64, fig. 12.

Podagrae Walsh, 1864, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 3: 492.

Polita Bassett, 1881, Canad. Ent. 13: 99.

Politus Hartig, by Kaltenbach, 1867, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. 24: 63 (acc. D.T.93: 108).

Polycera Giraud, 1859, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 9: 340.

Pomaceus Fourcroy, 1785, Ent. Paris 2: 381 (acc. D.T.93: 100).

Pomiformis Bassett, 1881, Canad. Ent. 13: 74.

Potentillae Retzius, 1783, Gen. & Spec. Ins.: 70 (acc. D.T.93: 119).

Prinoides Beutenmüller, 1892, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 4: 257, pi. 11 fig. 6.

Prunus Walsh and Riley, 1869, Amer. Ent. 1: 104.

Psenes Linnaeus, 1758, Sys. Nat. ed. 10, 1: 554.