Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/469

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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips
1918. Notes on Cynipidae, with description of a new species (Hym.). Ent. News 29: 327-330.
1918. Two new Cynipidae. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 13:118-119.
Beyerinck, M. W.
1883. Beobachtungen über die ersten Entwicklungsphasen einiger Cynipidengallen. Ver. Akad. Amsterdam 22:1-198, pl. 1-6.
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1897. Some further observations on British oak galls. Ent. Month. Mag. 33: 54-55.
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Cabrera y Diaz.
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Cameron, P.
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