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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

Haaren bedeckt, hinten gerade abgestutzt, die Furchen der Parapsiden durchgehend; Schildchen ohne deutliche Grübchen an der Basis, Beine mit rauhen abstehenden Haaren versehen; Hinterleib an der Spitze mit zerstreuten Haaren (nicht wie bei Cynips mit dicht gedrängten, niederliegenden seidenartigen Härchen bekleidet); Flügel mit einem stark verlängerten, am Vorderrande offenen Radialfeld, die 2. Cubitalzelle an der Basis desselben liegend.

Typ. Dryoph. Folii = Cynips Folii L. …

Translation. Dryophanta, new genus. Generic characters: Head with 5-segmented maxillary palps and 3-segmented labial palps, the antennae with 13 or 14 segments, roughly hairy, the third segment longer than the fourth; the mesonotum punctate, covered with recumbent hairs, distinctly truncate posteriorly, the parapsidal grooves complete; the scutellum without the usual foveae at the base; the legs covered with a rough coat of erect hairs; the abdomen with scattered hairs anteriorly (not with the dense, recumbent, and silky hairs found in Cynips [= Adleria Rohwer and Fagan]); the wings with a much lengthened, open radial cell, with an areolet lying at the base of that cell. Type: Dryophanta folii = Cynips folii Linnaeus.

SUBGENOTYPE.—Of Cynips: Cynips folii Linnaeus. Designated by Westwood, 1840, Generic Synop.: 56. Morice and Durrant, 1915, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1915:431, state that Lamarck, 1801, chose quercus-folii Linnaeus as type of Cynips. Concerning this statement, Rohwer and Fagan, 1917, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 53:364, write as follows: “With this we can not agree as we do not believe that Lamarck or most of the other old writers' examples are any more than illustrations of the various genera. They therefore can not be accepted as type designations by the International Code, which says, ‘The meaning of the expression “select a type” is to be rigidly construed. Mention of a species as an illustration or example of a genus does not constitute a selection of a type.’—Whether the Lamarck or the Westwood designation is accepted, folii remains the subgenotype of Cynips.

Other designations of genotypes for Cynips are invalid: Diplolepis bedeguaris Fabricius (by Latreille 1810:436), Cynips quercus-radicis Fabricius (by Curtis 1840:688), Cynips argentea Hartig (by Ashmead 1903)—all unavailable because none of these was originally included. Cynips gemmae Linnaeus (designated by Karsch 1880) is said by Rohwer and Fagan (1917) to be a doubtful designation, and in any event is a later designation than Westwood's in 1840 (folii). Bradley, 1919, Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1919:71, accepted the above-mentioned designation of bedeguaris by Latreille as fixing the type of Cynips; but Professor Bradley writes me (in litt. 9.15.28) that he now realizes that bedeguaris is not available because not originally included, and that he agrees with Rohwer and Fagan's interpretation, which we accept in the present paper, of folii as the type of Cynips.

Of Dryophanta: Cynips folii Linnaeus. Monobasic and original designation by Förster, 1869, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 19: 331, 335. Isogenotypic with Cynips.