which may be summ'd up and comprized in those two queries.
1. May a Woman entertain several lovers at the same time?
2. After a Woman has once receiv'd a man's addresses, may she with honour turn him off?
To the first he answers, That such a licence might be granted, if nothing was design'd by it but the chusing of the most deserving for a husband; but considering the inconveniences that would necessarily attend such an indulgence, he durst not allow it.
The second query he grants in the affirmative; that is, if she discovers him false and base, or uncapable of making her happy.
Universal Spectator, January, 16. No. 119.
COntains a letter from a physician, in which he describes the miserable condition of his patients, that apply to him on the venereal account. Of this sort the most unfortunate and pitiful object is a woman of the town, who, if not quite abandon'd, gives a loose to her passion on such occasions. The consideration of her past, present, and future state, fills her with distraction, and involves her in endless evils, from which death only can deliver her.
Proceeds to argue with the infamous authors of the misery of these wretches, who first seduce the poor young creatures from their innocence, and then triumph in their wickedness. He who debauches a maiden, and then exposes her to want and shame, is arrived to such a monstrous height of villany, that no word in our language can reach it. Mentions a further species of cruelty, that is, the necessity some of these poor wretches are under, if with child, of applying to a magistrate to procure some pitiful maintenance for her unfortunate babe. ——— When all that is to be done by the father, is to make the best bargain he can with the church-wardens to take it off his hands; which is commonly done for a treat, and 10 or 12 l. So the child is placed upon the parish, and the woman upon the town.
Univers. Spectator, Jan. 23. No. 120.
Entertains his readers with two letters; the first is from Trislitia Stale, who complains that she is continually persecuted, merely because she is an old maid.
Virginity, she says, has not always been a reproach, sees no encouragement in matrimony, and begs the Spectator to reprimand the malaperts, who ridicule chastity; adds, that a single life in woman was esteem'd among the ancient as well as modern Romans; vestals then, and nuns now.
The other letter is from Charlotte Wilful, a young lady of 19, who says she has two admirers. The first is 'squire Scrape, who has 1200 l. per annum, which he keeps in his own hands and farms himself, and therefore is favour'd in pretentions by her father.
Mr 'Myrtle, her mother's favourite, is the other, who, by his own account is near 40, by that of his acquaintance 10 years older, has squander'd away a good estate, but by the death of an uncle is now worth 1000 l. per annum, and is a perfect humourist.
But to both these she prefers Mr Plume of the Innter-Temple, who has no estate, but is of a sweet temper. Concludes with desiring Mr Stonecastle to declaim on parents making choices for their Children, with a stroke on antiquated beaus, and rural animals, and to recommend a fine gentleman with no fortune. Desires, by way of postscript, that he would not delay publishing her letter, because Mr Plume and she had agreed to run away together on Tuesday next.
The Universal Spectator, Jan. 30. No. 121.
AMong all those amusements people find to pass away the time, Poesy and Musik are the most elegantly en-tertaining.