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Vol. I.
Domestick Occurrences in JANUARY, 1731.

al chapel at St. James's; the Lord Delawar carried the Sword of State.

Monday, Jan. 18.

Eight persons who were taken up at Norwich, for handing about a treasonable paper, intitled, The D. of Wharton's Reasons, &c. were admitted to bail about this time.

Tuesday, Jan. 19.

The KING's most excellent Majesty elected governor of the royal African company, Sir Robert Sutton, Knt. of the Bath, sub-governor, and Sir Biby Lake, Bar. deputy governor; as also, the following Directors or Assistants.

Solomon Ashley, Esq; John Baker, Esq; *Tho. Bradshaw, Esq; Tho. Bodicoate, Esq; Christian Cole, Esq; *Ro. Cruikshank, Esq; Jos. Danvers, Esq; Rich. Evans, Esq; Dan. Finch, Esq; *Cha. Lloyd, Esq; Peter Meyer, Esq; Hon. Fr. Negus, Esq; *James Oglethorpe, Esq; Hen. Parsons, Esq; Benj. Perin, Esq; Tho. Revel, Esq; Hon. St Tho. Saunderson, Knt. of the Bath Jn. Thompson, Esq; Fran. Townly, Esq; Henry Vander Esk, Esq; *Tho. Watts, Esq; *Wardel-George Westby, Esq;

Those mark'd thus * are in the room of Edward Barker, Wm Corbet, George Johnson, Abr. Reynardson, John Torriano, and Philip Wilkinson, Esqs.

Wednesday, Jan. 20.

The Pr. of Wales entering into the 25th year of his age, there was a splendid appearance of the nobility, and a ball at Court, wich was open'd by his Royal Highness and the Princess Royal.

20. The Duke of Richmond went to court and resign'd his post of Aid-de camp to his Majesty; and also his Commission of Captain of a Troop in the Royal Regiment of Horse-Guards blue, commanded by the Duke of Bolton.

Robert Coke, Esq; brother to the Lord Lovel, resign'd his commission of cornet in the said Regiment.

Several parts of the northern Roads were so cover'd with Snow, that the Scotch peers and commoners in their way to Parliament, were obliged to alight and walk many Miles on foot; and in some places the Snow was so deep, that 50 Men were employ'd to remove it to make it passable. The Snow was deeper in Lancashire than it had been for 20 years past.

Thursday, Jan. 21.

The Parliament met, when his Majesty open'd the Sessions with a most gracious Speech to both houses.

The Ld. Raymond was introduced to the house of Peers, between the Ld Delawar, and the Ld Bingley.

Friday, Jan. 22.

The house of Lords waited up on his Majesty with an Address of thanks to his most gracious Speech from the Throne; to which they received the following Answer.

My Lords,
I thank you for this loyal and dutiful Address. The enabling me to fullfil my engagements with my Allies in all events, will not only effectually secure and continue to my People the advantages stipulated for them by Treaties, but may greatly contribute to the obtaining a general pacification.

Saturday, Jan. 23.

About this time a medal was struck at the Tower, having on one side the Head of Sir Isaac Newton, with this Motto, Felix cognoscere causas; on the reverse a Figure representing the Mathematicks. See p. 64.

Sunday, Jan. 24.

The Rev. Dr. Birch preached before their Majesties, and the Lord Gallway carried the Sword of State, and the Rev. Dr. Clark preach'd before his Highness the Duke, and the two young Princesses.

The Ld Cavendish rode a trial (on a hunter) from Hide Park corner to the lodge in Windsor Forest, in an hear and fix minutes: There was awager