ing and abetting the riot. They affirm she swam like a cork, tho' forced several times under water; and no wonder, for when they strained the line, the ends whereof were held on each side of the pond, she must of necessity rise; but by haling her from one bank to t'other, and often plunging, she drank water enough, and when almost spent, they poured in brandy to revive her, they drew her to a stable, threw her on some litter in her wet cloaths, where in about an hour after she expired. The coroner upon his Inquest cou'd make no discovery of the ring-leaders, altho' above 40 Persons assisted in the Fact, yet none of them could be persuaded to accuse his Neighbour: so that they were able to charge only 3 of them with Man-slaughter.
The like Credulity in witchcraft occasion'd a tragical Accident at a Village near Mortagne in France, in December last. A Man of that Village had been long ill of a Distemper which puzzled the Physicians; whereupon his Wife believ'd he was bewitch'd, and consulted a pretended Conjurer, who shew'd her the Wizard (her husband's uncle) in a glass of Water, and told her, that, to oblige him to withdraw the Charm, they must beat him, and burn the Soles of his Feet. On her Return she sent for the Uncle, and notwithstanding his Protestations, with the Assistance of her Relations, beat him immercifully, and burnt the Soles of his Feet, and the Crown of his Head in such a manner, that in two Days after he died. The Woman and her Accomplices were seized; she own'd the Fact, and said, if it was to do again, she would do it. See p. 358.
Extraordinary Accidents, and Casualties.
A barbarous Murder was committed the 4th Inst. at Night, on John Williams Carpenter of Cumback in Radnorshire, by stabbing him in the Throat with a Knife, and beating out his Brains with an Ax: His Door being left latch'd, and the Key in the thatch as usual, and no Robbery committed. It was not discover'd till the 7th, when his only Brother William came, and in the presence of abundance of Neighbours, owned the bloody Knife, which together with the washing of his bloody Cloaths by his sweetheart the Night the Murder was committed, and no body to get by his Brother's death but himself, caus'd him to be apprehended, and sent to Presteign Goal; and his Sweetheart was bound to appear against him. See p. 178.
From Dijon in France, 'tis written, that a Person having withdrawn himself, his Relations charg'd one who was his sworn Enemy with his murder, and examin'd him with such exquisite tortures, that, to shorten them he confess'd the crime: where upon he was broke alive, and two others as his accomplices were hanged. The Man suppos'd to he murder'd, soon after return'd home.
Brussels 25. O. S. About 2 o'clock this morning, a dreadful fire broke out in the Arch Dutchess's palace, which with the goods and furniture, and Royal Chapel were laid in ashes in less than 12 hours. The Arch. Dutchess and her ladies only escap'd, almost all the Papers and Records of State being consum'd.
Bourdeaux, Jan. 24. N. S. Forty monks dy'd here in one Night; upon enquiry to discover the cause, a dead Viper was found in a Cask of Wine they had regal'd themselves with, suppos'd to have come in at the bung-hole.
Morlaix, in lower Bretagne, Jan. 11. N. S. By a fire which broke out in the hospital, the whole town was burnt down; the People were reduc'd to the greatest hardships.