IT has been unexceptionably advanced, that a good Abridgment of the Law is more intelligible than the Statutes at large; ſo a nice Model is as entertaining as the Original, and a true Specimen as ſatisfactory as the whole Parcel: This may ſerve to illuſtrate the Reaſonableness of our preſent Undertaking, which in the first place is to give Monthly a View of all the Pieces of Wit, Humour, or Intelligence, daily offer'd to the Publick in the News-Papers, (which of late are ſo multiply'd, as to render it impoſſible, unless a man makes it a buſineſs, to conſult them all) and in the next place we ſhall join therewith ſome other matters of Use or Amuſement that will be communicated to us.
Upon calculating the Number of News-Papers, 'tis found that (beſides divers written Accounts) no less than 200 Half-ſheets per Month are thrown from the Preſs only in London, and about as many printed elsewhere in the Three Kingdoms; a conſiderable Part of which conſtantly exhibit Eſſays on various Subjects for Entertainment, and all the reſt, occaſionally oblige their Readers with matters of Public Concern, communicated to the World by Perſons of Capacity thro' their Means: ſo that they are become the chief Channels of Amusement and Intelligence. But then being only looſe Papers, uncertainly ſcatter'd about, it often happens, that many things deſerving Attention, contained in them, are only ſeen by Accident, and others not ſufficiently publiſh'd or preſerved for univerſal Benefit and Information.
This Conſideration has induced ſeveral Gentlemen to promote a Monthly Collection, to treaſure up, as in a Magazine, the moſt remarkable Pieces on the Subjects abovemention'd, or at leaſt impartial Abridgments thereof, as a Method much better calculated to preſerve thoſe Things that are curious, than that of tranſcribing.
In pursuance whereof, and the great Encouragement already given, this W o r k will be regularly continued, ſhall appear earlier, and contain more than any other Monthly Book of the ſame Price.
As all poſſible Care will be taken to avoid the Miſtakes incident to undertakings of this kind, ſo the Author will think himself oblig'd to ſuch Perſons who ſhall give him a true ſtate of any Tranſaction erroneouſly publish'd in the Papers, or ſhall pleaſe to communicate any Pieces of Wit or Entertainment proper to be inſerted; directing for him at the Printer's at St. John's Gate, near Hicks's-Hall, where any Perſons sending proper Orders, may have the Numbers ſent them, at their firſt coming out, without further Trouble, whether in Town or Country.