Admits that this Queen was a wise and glorious Princess, but says that our Constitution, and the exercise of Power at home, is vastly better than what they were in her reign, and our Foreign Affairs transacted with as much wisdom.
Quotes Mr. Oldcastle's own words, in which he describes the Wisdom and Address of Q. Elizabeth, to describe the Wisdom and Address of the present Minister in negotiating Foreign Affairs. (See p. 3.)
Lastly, he gives several maxims out of Cambden and Francis Osborne's memoirs of this Queen, such as her preferring peace to war; her delaying resentment of injuries till proper seasons; her judgment of her subjects abilities, which she dextrously fitted for her favours and their employments; her steady resolution not to ransom herself from her enemies at the price of their preferments who lov'd her.
Fog's Journal, Saturday, January 9. No. 120
A Letter is inserted, containing remarks on Mr. Chubb's discourse concerning Reason, in which is asserted, that it either is, or ought to be a sufficient guide in matters of Religion.
This Proposition the remarker explains in the words of Mr. Chubb, and assents to, and then proceeds to consider it more particularly. Does not comprehend Mr. Chubb's observation, i.e. The Question is not whether there be absolutely such a capacity in man: for if man has such a capacity, as Mr. Chubb insists, he may be truly said to be the possessor of it. Nor can the remarker understand the sense of that clause, he ought to have, because it has no relation to the dispute between Mr. Chubb and the Bp of London, i.e. what man now has, and is capable of.
The remarker goes on to shew, that the author's argument to prove that man ought to have such a capacity, is needless, because it is universally assented to.
Mr. Chubb argues, That as our Species was no ways accessary to Adam's transgression, 'tis unreasonable and unequal that they should suffer by it.
To this is answer'd, that there are other difficulties in the general scheme of providence as hard to be solved; as that, whole families are involved in misery by the mismanagement of their ancestor; the entailment of chronick and terrible disorders on children by the debaucheries of a father, for that it is wrong intolerable, and against reason to punish children for the crimes of their fathers. But all these difficulties which seem to clash with the wisdom and goodness of God, are rectify'd in a future state, for which we are manifestly fitted and defign'd.
Fog's Journal, Jan. 16. No. 121.
THis paper begins with a piece of humourous irony; observing that as criticks never appear so disappointed as when they meet with beauties in an author; so the present sett of disaffected political writers conceive no small joy to see their country involv'd in difficulties; not can they be worse mortified than to see this nation flourish in trade, wealth and credit.
That Osborne (writer of the London Journal) and Wallingham (of the Free Briton) affirm, That the present crew of factious writers proceeds on this principle. Descants upon the measures for some years past; the destruction of the Spanish Fleet in the Mediterranean, whereby Sicily was gain'd for the Emperor, and the preservation of the balance of Europe so ill settled by that wicked treaty of Utrecht.
Mentions fsme of the great Actions which have stirr'd up the envy of the disaffected; as, the sending annual fleets into the Baltick; the treaty of Hanover; the maintaining a body of Hessian troops; sending squadrons to the coasts of Spain and the West-Indies, the expedition to Spithead, and lastly, the treaty of Seville. This last, he ironically says, had like to have kill'dthe