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Vol. I.
Weekly Essays in JANUARY, 1731.

were to old Time; whereas old Time had bid spring past, so no occasion for spring to call. Which is defended thus; When time bids spring pass, it might not be ready, but as soon as it was, it calls for birth.

Line 7. Harvest in summer is very early, and something unusual.

9. But not soon enough, it seems, because here each season is said to bring THEIR stores TO winter's wants, till warmer genial suns recall the spring———However Mr. Cibber's authority makes it current.

15. An admirable improvement of Nocte pluit tota, &c. which to set in a true light is translated and imitated:

It rains all night, the shows returns with day: Thus Jove and Cæsar bear divided sway.
Plenty is Heav'n's, and Peace our Monarch's care, Thus Jove and George divided Empire share.

But to this was objected, that we are not only indebted to heaven for plenty, but for peace too, tho' like marriages said to be made there, it was not yet come down.

21. It is queried what war and peace the poet means here.

22. An emendation of this line is offer'd to make it clear,

We triumph most when MOST the farmer feeds.

and the Beef eaters at St. James's, are appeal'd to for the justness of it.

23, 24. The elegance of these lines are literally defended, but the propriety and cadence of them are called in question.

25, 26, 27, 21. These seem inconsistent with the 19th and 20th verses.

As in the 35th, and 46th lines, Phœbus had roll'd in vain, till Albion could behold such a sight as at present on the throne, well might the poet take the exclamation in the 37th and 38th.

39, 40. As it is impossible always to REACH our own desires, tho' required by heaven, it is proposed to alter it to TEACH; that is, instruct united hearts to address the throne by their own loyal desires.

41. Read selfish, as better than selfborn; all views whatever being such.

46. Suns probably should be read sons, because it seems to be a contradiction to ever circling sun, line 1.

The criticiser concludes with observing, that when a song is good sense, it must be made nonsense before it is made musick; so when a song is nonsense, there's no other way but by singing it to make it seem tolerable sense.

Grub-street Journal, Jan. 21. No. 55.

THe author begins with observing that nothing has increased their society so much as poetry: We are taught it at school; if not, believe we are born poets. Every corner abounds with its professors; the bellman nightly salutes his master and mistress: the marshal, his gentlemen soldiers every christmas: every street rings with ballads; the royal palace resounds with odes; and every church-yard with its productions: Stephen Duck's good fortune has occasion'd a poor Weaver in Spittle-fields to publish a miscellany of poems which he addresses to the Queen, and introduces with this line.

Thy fortune, Duck, affects my kindred mind;

Wherefore Grub st. presumes to represent to her Majesty, that the best way to encourage the Weaver, would be to wear british manufactures; and the thresher, by giving him a small farm in the country; and to restrain both from writing a line more in rhime or measure.

Apprehends, that from this general inclination to write, they shall be oblig'd, like the royal society, to discourage intruders amongst them, and, to prevent misunderstanding, proposes that, no person shall be amem-