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Weekly Essays in FEBRUARY, 1731.
No. II.

the 1st of the 2d Moon of the Year 1731, and of the Hegira of the venerable Prophet 1128.

Among other things he informs his Correspondent, that we have in London our Ali Patrons, our snarlers in Politicks, who grin for a Wager at the Administration; there is a grinning Match every Saturday at the English Minister, between two Scribes, called Fog and Caleb; they are practis'd to grin at him as the Scotch Tutor said to his Pupil, when he taught him to speak extempore, Gern Jony; gern again, Jony.―These Gentlemen, he says, are exactly of the Temper of Ali Patron, (ring-leader of the Rebels in the late Insurrection in Turkey) and would copy his Freaks; he flourish'd a Flag, you know, in the great Market place of Constantinople, and bid all the true Believers, that is, such as would believe him, follow him. These Apes of Ali Patron flourish a sheet of foul Paper to muster up their patch'd Battalions of tag, rag, and bob-tail; that Sheet is called a Journal, and they have done penance in it more than once already.

Tells him, that the imitators of Ali Patron here, as well as the People, are damp'd at the intelligence of the unforeseen Destruction in which he involv'd himself and multitudes of his Admirers and Abettors throughout the whole City of Constantinople.

Imagines himself to be among his Brother Turks, and therefore calls all by his own Country Names. Says, the Divan here is compos'd of standing and occasional Memers; Mahomet Fog, and Muly Caleb, are the two writing Clerks to it: Muly Caleb has wrote lately against Pensions, tho' Rustan R-sh-t, Bajazet B-k-e, Pesteli P-t-y, and many others at this very day pension their two Amanuenses, and the Book of their Pay was found with their Hands to it.

That the Kaimachan of London, call'd the L-d M-r, brews the best Beer and the worst Politicks; only with this good quality, that they are rather flat than sour. There was a Clause preparing for the Senate by Ibrahim S-ys, Ognet Ognon T-n-l, and Hagdi W-d-m, that none who had Places in the Government, or received his Majesty's Stipends, should sit in P———t; which was very modestly telling the King, that those whom he judg'd his best Friends, deserv'd to be turn'd our of the House. The English P———t, by its native Constitution, consisted of none but Pensioners; for every Member was to be allow'd a Payment from his Borough, or County. That they who have clamour'd most against Pensions, ever practis'd, and now would be the first that would accept them; they decry them for being out of their reach. That, was even the Suggestion of buying Votes true, Caleb's Party have been considerable Jobbers in that Market; they were arch Wags upon what they call'd Ear-knots; yet they have been fairly jocky'd and dismounted; it was once a Cant amongst them, That no Citizen thought his Goods the worse, because they were paid for.

Proceeds to consider the word Pension in its utmost Latitude, and concludes with a humourous Description of Capt. Tom, one of the supposed Authors of the Craftsman.

The Grubstreet Journal, Thursday Feb. 25. No. 60.

MR. Bavius, in his Journal, entertains his Readers with some Animadversions on a late Performance, call'd Harlequin Horace. Makes mighty merry with the Frontispiece, Title-page, and Dedication, which, says the Grub-street Secretary, is a malicious Ridicule on [Mr. R———ch] an eminentmem-