Gentleman's Magazine:
A View of the Weekly Disputes and Essays in this Month.
Grub-street Journal. Feb. 4. No.57.
Concordia discors. Luc.
THE Author of this Journal having (No. 51.) in a discourse read to the society, by Wm Bickerfaff, Esq; exposed the common Almanack-makers, by giving a Scheme of their widely differing predictions of the weather for the month of January, as therefore not founded on the rules of art, had subjoin'd and opposed to them Mr Bickerstaff's learned calculations, and call'd on his readers to attend the fulfilling of them: in this paper he takes notice of their exact completion, and sets Mr Bickerstaff's predictions for Feb. against those of 17 common Almanacks, that the reader may judge more easily who is in the right; promises to purfue the same method to the year's end, and a compleat Almanack for 1732 by that gentleman, under the title of, The Grub-street Almanack.
Next, a letter inserted from a correspondent, containing critical observations on Musick, particularly as performed by Organists in Churches, ironically remarks, that they zealously endeavour by the gaiety of their preformances to dissipate that drowsy disposition which good christians are apt to sink into on such occasions. For half an hour together they divert their auditors by scouring up and down the whole compass of the organ, and skipping from one subject to another, till they have given us a different air in every key of the Gamut.
Gives this further reason in defence of the organ-loft; that by this means the pretty gentlemen and fine ladies below, are reliev'd from the danger they were in of growing hideously dull, and an opportunity given them of displaying their fine tastes and rings.
Takes especial notice of their tuning the Psalm; for in the middle of a word, Mr Tweedledumdee forgets the tune, and entertains us with the scrap of a song, or a masquerade dance, to the confusion of the audience; when the next verse, perhaps of confession or deprecation, shall be introduced by Lillebolero, or Jumping Joan.
But their tip-top flourish is reserv'd for the farewel. Here they justly judge, that a pleasant touch is as necessary as a merry epilogue after a dull play; and acquit themselves so facetiously, that we are soon eas'd of any irksome impressions receiv'd from the pulpit.
Concludes, that Church-musick, if rightly manag'd, is capable of raising the noblest hints in the mind, and filling it with the most sublime and worthy conceptions; whilst by this meansour