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Vol. I.
Books publish'd in FEBRUARY, 1731.
  • A short treatise upon arts and sciences French and English, &c. by Jobn Palairet, writing master to their Royal Highnesses the Duke, &c.
  • The third part of an essay toward a natural history of Florida, Carolina, and the Bahama Ilands, c. by Mr. Catesby.
  • A sermon preached before the Hon. House of Commons, Jan. 30. by Edw. Littleton, L.L.D. Fellow of Eaton College, &c.
  • Remains of the late rev. and learned John Edwards, D.D. pr. 6s.
  • A demonstration of the insufficiency both of reason and revelation, separately or jointly consider'd in matters of religion, with a conclusion showing what is sufficient, pr. 1s.
  • Thomæ Caii (collegii universitatis regnante Elizabetha Magistri) vindiciæ antiquitatis academiæ Oxon. contra Joannem Caium Cantabrigiensem in lucem ex autographo emisit Tho. Hearne, A.M. &c.
  • Harlequin Horace, or the art of modern poetry, pr. 1s.
  • Justice in all its branches, &c. pr. 9d.
  • A letter to Caleb D'anvers Esq; on his proper reply to a late scurrilous libel, &c. pr. 1s.
  • Two letters from a deist to his friend, concerning the truth and propagation of deism, &c. pr. 1s.
  • The works of Tacitus. Vol. II. translated, &c. by Mr Gordon.
  • Sir Robert Brass, or the intriegues serious and amourous of the knight of the blazing star, &c. in hudibrastick verse..
  • Memoirs of the life and misfortunes of Mr Pless, the supposed author of a letter to a member of parliament in the North, by a lady pr. 6d.
  • The travels of Mr John Gulliver, son to Capt, Lemuel Gulliver, &c. translated from the French by Mr. Lockman. In a neat pocket volume.
  • An epistle to Mr Pope, on reading his translations of the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, &c.
  • The parson-hunter a poem, pr. 6d.
  • The doctor's miscellany, with a quack observatory preface, pr. 1s.
  • The works of Virgil, translated into english blank verse, with large explanatory notes and critical observations, by Joseph Trapp, D.D. 3 vol. 12mo.
  • Patriotism delineated, &c. pr. 6d.
  • Don Carlos de lara: or the Spanish beau: translated from the Spanish of Ruy Diaz, pr. 1s.
  • The gentleman's magazine; or, traders monthly intelligence, No. 1. for January.
  • The monthly chronicle for Jan.
  • Impartial observations on the publick affairs of Great Britain, &c.
  • The court authors display'd, &c.
  • Faithful memoirs of the life, amours, and dramatical performances of Mrs Anne Oldfield, &c. by Wm. Egerton, Esq;
  • Modern history by Mr. Salmon, No. 77 compleats Vol. XIII.
  • Three poetical epistles to Mr. Hogarth, Mr. Drandilge, and Mr. Lambert, by Mr. Mitchel.
  • A brief Description of a new, small, yet accurate Quadrant, by E. Pledger.
  • A Sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal, Jan. 30. by Robert Ld Bp. of Peterborough.
  • Victory over death, a ground of thankfulness to God, &c. a sermon preach'd at Pinners hall, Jan. 31. by Jeremiah Hunt, D.D.
  • Pulteney; or the patriot, a poem, by R. Drury, Gent.