humoursome, little vixen that ever was. Being thus indulg'd in all her humours, no wonder she is at present haughty, imperious and assuming; her temper fretful and impatient; and that good sense nature intended her, over-run with price and vanity; that she might be reckon'd handsome was it not for her insolence, and affectation, which makes her disliked; while her sister Lucy is sure to win the hearts of all that see her by the meekness, modesty, innocence, and pretty manner of her deportment.
Next, gives an account of what past at the tea-table, and of Kitty's rude behaviour to her sister and mother; and then relates particulars of a quarrel she had with one of her brothers, who hap-to tread on the tail of her lap-dog, which occasion'd a confusion in the whole family; that the mother and children retiring, Mr. Gentle begged pardon for what had happen'd, own'd his misfortune; that this headstrong girl was his continual torment; that her mother's fondness and his imprudent compliance, had made her temper insolent and intolerable, but thinks she is more the object of compassion than severe usage. Concludes with this saying, We have by fondness been the ruin of our child! For, with this disposition, what can I foresee but misery for her, and sorrow for ourselves?
Fog's Journal, March 13. No. 129.
Of Popular Discontents.
BEgins with a quotation from a certain political writer, to this effect, viz. that whenever the executive part of the government does not act for the publick good, the legislature and every member of the commonwealth thinks it lawful to intermeddle; because the ends of government being the ease, plenty and protection of the subject, if those purposes are not answered, he begins to think himself absolved from that contract, and that he is returned to the full liberty of his progenitors, and may act for himself; from whence it proceeds, that under a corrupt administration, all degrees of men, are Statesmen, are inquisitive, uneasy, censorious, and disaffected.
From hence Fog takes occasion to observe, that this doctrine is never relish'd under a bad administration, the instruments of which will say, That private men have no right to examine into the conduct of their superiors Truth they will call sedition, and bring examples to shew, that men have been put to death for telling disagreeable truth.
That 'tis our peculiar happiness, that things can never be brought to this extremity, unless the representatives bof the people shou'd be debauch'd into submissions or measures inconsistent with liberty.
Dissents from that common assertion, that nothing can go amiss so long as a good understanding continues betwixt the legislative and executive parts of the constitution; because when affairs are in bad hands such an agreement is dangerous; that this nation has often been saved by the opposition made to men in power; and the representatives of the people, by keeping the publick money in the people's pocket, have ty'd up the hands of the ministers from executing many mischievous projects.
Gives several instances to illustrate this argument; and that all good laws have been pass'd at such a Crisis; witness the Habeas Corpus act, and the bill for making parliaments triennial.
Says that this jealousy or distrust of men in power so long preserv'd the liberties of the Roman people; but when that was remov'd, and the senates could be influenced, their liberties were lost.
Lastly, that when all virtue and publick spirit was departed from the senate, and that great Empire was sinking into ruin, there was a good harmony and understanding betwixt the executive and legislative parts of the government.