make an unnecessary apology; and that he should be offended at being called imprudent, since it was plainly shewed in our last, that impudence comprehends all qualifications. Who Dr. M——— is, whom he expects to a dispute, I can better imagine, than I can what is meant by that Problem; nothing preceding to which it can be referred. If the problem intended be either, whether Mr. Henly, has wit, or whether he has impudence, I deny, that either is a problem, and consequently any matter of dispute.
4. From their Pegasus in Grub-street, gives the following paragraphs. We have been assured from Sevenoaks in Kent, that Dr. Thomas Fuller, an eminent physician, (murdered by the L. Ev. of Feb. 11. an account of which murder was given in our 59th Journal) is since come to life again; and that the suit commenced by him, against the trustees of the charity left by Sir William Sennoke, was rather in order to obtain an annual election, than on the account of mismanagements: which affair was determined by the master of the Rolls, who decreed that the trustees should be chosen annually; and that the costs of both parties should be paid out of the charity itself.
The society was surprized at the advertisement in the Daily Post, March 14. from one who calls himself Hyp Doctor, assuring the world that we had recommended his Weekly Paper, in the epigram upon wit in our last Journal. Tho' he may bid very fair to be admitted one day into our society, yet at present his Paper is not eminent enough, even to be read before it, We know but one Hyp Doctor, the learned Orator, whom we acknowledge to be such in several senses of that appellation. His works are always read to us; and his advertisement of this day gave us extraordinary diversion, particularly his epigram on Dr. Scurvy-Grass,
Mr. Mevius objected, that the last line did not turn fully upon the first, that the word kill had no business there, since after Persons are killed, they can have no occasion for Paper: and proposed to change it for purge, which he said would make the epigram exact. This was approved.———But Dr. Mitchel, a rival of Mr. Henley's, and author of a learned dissertation against sooterkins, declared, that he liked neither the one, nor the other. That tho' he had never called the Orator impudent in print, yet since in the Daily Post of yesterday, and in an Advertisement in the Daily Post of this day, he was plainly challenged by the appellations of Dr. M——— and Dr. Scurvy-Grass, to a disputation on the point aforesaid, he was ready to answer the challenge, and to dispute on that problem, at the Pegasus, tho' not at the Oratory. In the mean time, in answer to the Orator's distich, he desired the following might be published:
The free Briton, March 11. No. 67.
COnsists of a letter from Timothy Scrub of Rag-fair, ironically applauding the talents and conduct of E— B—l, Esq; Author of a Letter to the King of Sparta, from which he infers that this Gentleman is inspir'd, he will not say, mad; that to prove this needs no other argument than his method of proving himself no Irishman, by giving his modesty in evidence; and his opinion that the late L— B—ke is the fittest man alive to serve the King and Kingdom; and that he is incapable of betraying either, after so many instances of treachery to both; and that it is a hardship upon him, still to continue under an attainder of high Treason, so deservedly incurred, by his flight from the justice of his injur'd country.