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Observations in GARDENING.
No. III.
  • 9 Tockington
  • 12 Thorock Graies, Essex
  • 1 Usk, Monmouth.
  • 1 Warbridge, Cornwall
  • 1 Wilscomb, Somersh.
  • 1 Warwick
  • 1 Wendover, Bucks
  • 2 Wirksworth, Derbsh.
  • 2 Woolbridge, Dors-sh.
  • 3, 9 Wells, Somersetshire
  • 3 Witheridge, Devonsh.
  • 3 Waltham-abby, Essex
  • 3 Woodbridge, Suffolk
  • 8 Wemerly, Cornwall
  • 8 Wickham, Hampsh.

N. B. If any Fair is mistaken, the Author, will upon Information given rectify it in the Progress of this Work.

Observations in Gardening for APRIL, 1731

F the weather be dry and windy, stake up all new planted trees; if that work was neglected in the preceding month, watering them well once in ten days; and fence your spired seedling Onions from the winds, for they are easily broken.

In dry weather and light earth set Kidney Beans and Rouncival Pease; plant Beans to succeed other crops; also where beans have been set too thick you may cut down every other row within three inches of the roots and they will produce a very good after-crop when the others are gone. Now is the best time in the whole year to plant cuttings or slips of Rosemary, and Lavender, especially after rain; and if omited in the last month we may yet plant slips of Thyme, Sage, Rue, &c.

Sow Cabbage-Lettuce to succeed those sown in the former months. And now you are to sow Purslain and Sellery in the natural ground, or upon some decay'd hot-bed, as a supply when that is spent that was sown in March.

The ground is now in good order to receive the seeds of Thyme and such Aromatick Herbs: And this work should not be delay'd longer than the last week in this month.

Note, All small feeds must be sown shallow in the earth, and the larger kinds deeper in proportion, and where the ground is light and sandy every sort must be sown deeper than in heavy soils.

Towards the end hough Carrots, Parsnips, and Onions, leaving the first two about five or six inches distant, and the latter about three or four.

Sow new Spanish Chardoons in the natural ground for a second crop, making holes for the seeds five or fix foot distance, put four or five seeds in each hole, and when they are come up, leave growing only one strong plant in a hole for blanching.

Trees being in their bloom little is to be done to them in this month; but you are now to rub off such young shoots of new planted trees against walls as push directly forward, leaving none but those that shoot side ways to form the beauty of the tree.

Remove all suckers from Fig-trees which are now very apt to send forth very plentifully.

What Apples remain to be grafted may be compleated in this month, which is the best time for grafting betwixt the bark and the wood, because the sap stirs freely and suffers them to part.

Keep your garden clean; digging borders half spit deep, and stirring the earth about old mural trees, is a very good culture and the most effectual method to destroy the weeds.

We may continue to make plantations of Strawberries till the middle of the month, placing the plants about eight or ten inches apart.

If the weather be moist it is yet not too late to make layers of Jessamine, Honeysuckles, Roses, and such like shrubs. APRIL.