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Vol. I.
Weekly Essays in MARCH, 1731.

that the wise and worthy part of mankind are seldom heard in publick shouts, or seen in publick places; that they whose suffrages are most to be desir'd, are the least numerous, with whom no arts are requisite but open truth and plain good sense. Who would not be asham'd of popularity when a Turkish Sultan, a Grand Monarque, or a Spanish Inquisition, are adored by the people? when Cæser shall be more popular for enslaving his country, than Cato for defending it? when, even a King, such as William III, shall be hated and distress'd for having sav'd the British nation from slavery? when such a minister as Jobu de Wit shall be torn to pieces for adhering to popular liberties? and such a chancellor as the E. of Clarendon forced to fly his country?

Observes, that the majority of men cannot distinguish glittering tinsel from sterling worth, and are delighted with neither, but as it glares in their eyes; that such is the depravity of human nature, that men hate the best characters, meerly because they are so; and so surprizing is the itch of scandal, that the infirmities, slips, and errors of every man, whose merit or fortune hath raised him to notice, are narrowly watch'd.

Lastly, gives a caution that he would not be understood to inculcate such an indifference of popularity as to render popular affection of no value, to destroy all confidence in friends, or to place all enjoyment in a man's single life; but says, if the esteem of men may be honestly acquir'd it may be enjoy'd with honour; but if lost without just cause, sees no reason to regret it.

The Grubstreet Journal, March 4. No. 68.

MR. Bickerstaff continues his Dissertation upon Almanacks; explodes the absurdities of others, and justifies his own predictions, which have been exactly fulfill'd. Instances besides, that he had foretold the death of the late Laureate in the following lines to Mr. Duck printed in their 40th Journal.

O! may the Queen new favours grant, And make the Lawrel thine! Then shall we see next New-Years Ode By far the last outshine.

¶ Mr. Bavius gives a Letter from Belinda, wherein he finds fault with their Hottentot Performance, and calls it such a nauseous Piece of Stupidity, that if they don't retrieve their Honour, she shall wish them the happy Bridegrooms at the Cape of Good Hope, and expresses her Indignation in the following Lines:

Long have I thought your Club to beA Batchelor Society, A set of lively brilliant Wits: But now 'tis plain, you're marry'd Cits: Your Sprightly Joys seem past the full; Just in the point of growing dull, You have your selves so much beposs'd, From off the Stage you'll soon be hiss'd, Or may I ne'er by Man be kiss'd.

In answer to which Mr. B. alledges, that it was a faithful Quotation, and wonders it should give offence, not reflecting in the least on the fair Sex; and that it was so relish'd by the town, as to occasion an additional Number of the said Journals to be printed. See p. 62. No. 2.

¶ Among the rest of Mr. Quidnunc's witty Remarks, he observes upon an Article of two Women being burnt in the Hand, one for Manslaughter, and another for having two Husbands; that it is odd the same Punishment should be inflicted for killing one Man, as for kissing two.

London Journal, March 6. No. 605.

Expatiates upon the blessing of civil Liberty, which delivers us from the tyranny of other Men's passions, and makes us masters of our selves; that it consists in a security of property, and a right of examining in-to