Page:The George Inn, Southwark.djvu/37

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next report yourself at the sign of 'The George' High Street Borough, exactly as the clock strikes the hour of seven-thirty-one.

Fail not at your peril!

He who does, is a traitor to the cause and shall die the death.

Present yourself at the wicket door, knock thrice and stand[1] and give the counter-sign to the shop walker whence you will be shown by the secret staircase to our presence there to discuss:—

(a) The fishy behaviour of certain Renegades and track the same to their sauce.
(b) Many will be condemned to the steak and d'ungeons
(c) A lot will be drawn and each one's cup will be full of Bitter-wo!
(e) A Red Herring will be drawn across our tracks.
(f)) Another Unity Brotherhood will then be introduced.

Vengeance having been meated out the oath of secrecy will be sworn. Your mission will be accomplished and three days grace allowed.

The Psalm of Fraternity will next be sung—"Of Wesir Rolling Rapidly."

Each member of the Brotherhood must then render an account and he will lawyer-like recite his acts and be judged by his deeds and weeds.

Strike while the iron is hot!

The cause is just!

Death to Traitors.


P.S.—Rolling Ties and Intriquing Breeches will be de Rigueur.

The "Rolling Stones" ceased rolling at the George some time back.

A more recent coterie was the "Twelve Club" and as their title indicates was limited to a dozen members all of whom were buyers in one of our large emporiums in the West End. They enjoyed their dinners in the old-fashioned

  1. Drinks.