Folkestone, Hythe and Ashford, 6 every morning: Mon., Wed. and Sat. evening.
Tenterden, Cranbrook and Staplehurst, Sun., Tues. and Thurs. mor.
Wateringbury, Testen and Mereworth, daily.
Brenchley, Matfield Green, and Peckham, Tue., Wed. and Sat. afternoon.
Deal, Dover, Ramsgate, and Canterbury, twice a day.
Rochester, Chatham and Oravesend, four times a day.
Kirpington, St. Mary Cray, Chiselhurst and Eltham, Mon., Wed., Sat. afternoon.
Hastings, Boxhill, Battle, Robertsbridge, Lamberhurst, Tunbridge, Sevenoaks, Worthing, Horsham, Dorking, Brighton, Cuckfield and Reigate, daily.
Lewes, Alfreston, and Seaford.
Tue., Wed., and Saturday. By Shelly.
Brighton and Cuckfield,
Wed. and Saturday. Crossweller.
Emsworth, Havant and Petersfield.
Tue. and Friday. Goddard.
Tenterden, New Romney and Staplehurst.
Thurs. Goodwin, and
Folkestone, Sandgate, Hythe, Ashton.
Wednesdays. Wooley.
Worthing, Angmoring, Horsham, Reigate and Gatton, twice a week.
Dorking and Leatherhead, three times a week.
W.S. begs to return his sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public in general for their past favors, and to acquaint them that he has neither spared pains nor expence in the improvement of the above Inn for their accommodation. He also takes this opportunity of soliciting their future encouragement, trusting they'll find Beds, Wines, Spirits, Stabling, to their perfect satisfaction.