Page:The Gesture No 13 1911.djvu/8

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spiritual, moral, mental and social advancement, and they are helped into situations and assisted in numerous other ways.

There is a section of the deaf and dumb, just as is the case with the hearing, who, by reason of mental or physical defects, are unable to obtain or keep permanent situations, or to earn sufficient to maintain themselves; there are also the blind-deaf and the aged and infirm.

It was for this section that the Home and Farm was founded. The Home has so far fulfilled its purpose, and the Flower Farm is achieving its object. The total cost of maintaining the Home this year will be from £900 to £950, and it is expected that the Farm revenue will more than cover half this amount.

A part of the estate is used as a picnic resort. There is a refreshment house, and boats on the lake, and it already is becoming quite a popular resort during the summer months.


By kind permission of The Weekly Times

Deaf Mutes Clearing Land

What is Truth?

It is the foundation of all true intelligence, and though man often rejects it, through fear of derision, or of being ostracised by his fellow-beings, it remains the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. It alone is eternal, imperishable, and therefore immortal. Therefore, what of truth exists in man will never perish - is the immortal spark that survives the change that man calls death. While error, like some noxious weed, dies slowly, has a peculiar tenacity, and oft and again sends forth new shoots; it will by constant and careful watching and continual cutting away finally die, and only truth will remain. Hence, the duty of man, while in mortal form, to banish from the garden of soul all error, all the noxious weeds of evil. But each mortal must hoe his own garden, for if he strives to hoe his neighbour’s garden he will neglect his own, or perhaps carry back into his own garden some noxious seed. Be sure you buy the seed to sow in your garden only of such as have pure seed to sell, nor think the price asked too high; for you must have the very best if you would have a garden easily tended and one that will produce an abundance of the fruits of joy, peace, and love. As ye sow so shall ye reap.