Page:The Gillette Blade, 1918-02.pdf/39

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WITHOUT me no man has ever achieved success, nor has any nation ever become great. I have been the bedrock of every successful career, and the cornerstone of every fortune.

All the world knows me and most of the world heeds my warning.

The poor may have me, as well as the rich.

My power is limitless, my application boundless.

He who possesses me has contentment in the present and surety for the future.

I am of greater value than pearls, rubies and diamonds.

Once you have me, no man can take me away.

I lift my possessor to higher planes of living, increase his earning power, and bring to realization the hopes of his life.

I make a man well dressed, well housed, and well fed.

I insure absolutely against the rainy day.

I drive want and doubt and care away.

I guarantee those who possess me prosperity and success.

I have exalted those of low degree, and those of high degree have found me a helpful friend.

To obtain me you need put out no capital but personal effort, and on all you invest in me I guarantee dividends that last through life and after.

I am as free as air.

I am yours if you will take me.


—American Bankers' Association

Reprinted from the Southern Public Utilities Magazine.