Page:The Gold-Gated West.djvu/124

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It was but yesterday, and lo!
Forests have passed, and church spires glow
Where dryads roved in days before—
As if the wildwood's tangled screen,
Mask of mystery unseen,
Had fallen in a single night
And left a pearl of life and light
Glim'ring on this enchanted shore.

Thus in her coronal of hills,
Where Hybla dew of health distils,
The gem of sunset land has sprung—
Brightly, as in Arabian Nights,
Rose a city of all delights—
The river, like a scarf of gold,
Clasping her beauty, manifold,
And purple mysteries 'round her flung.

And north and south, as free winds blow,
A thousand smoke-plumes float and flow
Over the city's pulsing life—
Over resplendent street and square
And the long tumult swelling there—
The low, light laughter, and the wail
Of rose-wreathed lips, and lips all pale
From wounds struck deep in fate's full strife.

Lo, where the yellow panther crept,
And the long shadows darkly slept,
Our love crowns life, and death crowns love,
And pride of gold and pomp of power