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Regeneration. By Edmund H. Sears. New Edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo. Extra cloth, $1.25.

"A fresh vivid presentation of an important theme—all the more valuable as the utterance of one who has thought deeply and felt profoundly about it. The reader will find in these pages no dry discussion of a hackneyed subject, but familiar truth presented with beauty of diction in a singularly felicitous and impressive manner, and possessing a fascination which will win his attention from the beginning of the book to its close. . . . The three volumes ('Regeneration,' 'Foregleams,' and 'The Heart of Christ,') together are a valuable contribution to religious and theological literature, and one which any man might be proud to have made. As now published, they would form most acceptable additions to the library of any Sunday-School, parish, or clergyman."—Boston Evening Transcript.

"Mr. Sears' volume on 'Regeneration' is one of the profoundest and most exhaustive treatises on that subject, extant. The way in which he unfolds the laws of our inner life in the orderly process of spiritual development, will be a revelation to most of those who read it for the first time."—Arthur's Home Magazine.

"A work full of the deepest and most nourishing spiritual truths — truths never more needed than they are at the present day and hour. Among devotional works it stands in the front rank; and alike in the sweetness of its spirit and the beauty of its language, it commends itself to every sincere Christian.... It is a good book to have by one. Its frequent perusal and study can hardly fail to enrich the spiritual life and lead to a firmer faith and a larger charity."—The Christian Register.

"Never, we venture to say, has the subject of regeneration been treated in a manner at once so profound, philosophic, exhaustive, logical, and scriptural, as in this charming volume."—Boston New Church Magazine.

The Fourth Gospel, the Heart of Christ. By Edmund H. Sears. 12mo. pp. 551. Extra cloth, $2.50.

"The Fourth Gospel, the Heart of Christ, is a book of extraordinary interest; ... a rich and fresh contribution to the literature of the ages touching the life of our Lord. It is instructive and suggestive in the highest ranges of Christian thought and feeling."—The Congregationalist.

"No book of recent American theology is likely to win more notice from thoughtful readers than this handsome volume by Edmund H. Sears, of 551 pages."—The Church and State.

"The book of Dr. Edmund H. Sears, entitled 'The Heart of Christ,' is destined, we believe, to exert a powerful influence upon the opinions of thinking men in all branches of the Church."—New York Independent.