Page:The Golden Hamster Manual.djvu/5

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Well-Known Educator Comments

on the

Golden Hamster Manual


No other writer has done so much for the hamster industry and for laboratory users of these, new animals. RAISING HAMSTERS FOR SCIENCE (1948) immediately attained the outstanding popularity it deserved. Only the man who wrote that book could have written THE GOLDEN HAMSTER MANUAL, an excellent and amazingly interesting book to be welcomed by the readers of his previous works and by countless others desiring this authentic information. THE GOLDEN HAMSTER MANUAL (1949) is not only the newest book in its field but also the most complete treatment of the entire hamster industry.

—Jesse Earl Vague, M.S. in Education.


This book has been written for those who are now raising or using hamsters and for all who are considering raising or using these creatures. Many buy the animals before acquiring adequate knowledge of their nature and usefulness. It Is evident that an increasing number of inquirers desire more complete and assuring instruction in the most important phases of the hamster industry. In the Interest of the pleasure and profit for the raisers, as well as the hamster's service to science, the subject matter has herein been published in as great detail as space permits, with the hope that it may be of helpful guidance to persons investigating, raising, or using the Syrian Golden Hamsters.
