Page:The Golden Violet.pdf/195

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Will shine beneath the sunbeam, flash and flow
O'er the rich bark that perishes below.
She felt he gazed upon her, and her cheek
Wore added beauty in its crimson break;
And softer smiles were on her lip, like those
The summer moonlight sheds upon the rose;
And her eye sparkled, like the wine-cup's brim,
Mantling in light, though it turn'd not to him.
Again the dancers gather'd; from them one
Took gayly her fair hand, and they are gone.
Leoni follow'd not, yet as they pass'd
How could Olympia's light step be the last?
Yet pass'd she quickly by him, and the haste
From her wreath'd hair one fragrant rose displaced.
Leoni saw it fall; he is alone,
And he may make the fairy gift his own.