Page:The Golden Violet.pdf/319

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The Haunted Lake is founded on the Irish tradition of O'Donoghue, mentioned in one of Moore's charming melodies. I trust the slight liberties taken with the story will be pardoned on the plea of poetical variety.

The tulip symbol, alluded to in page 226, bears the allegorical construction of eternal separation in the beautiful language of Eastern flowers.

Sir Walter Manny. The most touching incident on which this little poem is founded is a historic fact, and as such is recorded in Mills's History of Chivalry; pages to which my debt of obligation and delight is more freely though no regretfully rendered, in the knowledge that it is gratitude, not flattery, which is spoken of the dead.

In Eastern tales, the bird of Paradise never rests on the earth.


Printed by A & R Spottiswoode,