Page:The Golden Violet.pdf/82

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Of a rich mantle lined with miniver,
His mother's once, all that he held from her,
Save the bright chain, with pearl and ruby strung,
Which rainbow-like outside his hauberk hung;
His ashen lance lay ready in its rest;
His shield was poised beside him, and its crest
Was a young eaglet trying its first flight,
The motto, "I must seek to win my right:"
Two greyhounds ran beside; and mortal sight
Had never look'd upon more gallant knight.
Bareheaded so his features met the view
Touch'd by the tender morning's early hue:
And eyes like the wild merlin's when she springs
After long prison, on her eager wings,
Fierce in their beauty, with that flashing glance
Which dazzles as it were a flying lance,