Page:The Golden Violet.pdf/84

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Even as he mused on this, he heard a cry,
A bitter shriek for mercy pleading high.
He rushed and saw two combatants with one
Whose strength seem'd in th' unequal battle done;
And praying, weeping, knelt a maiden near,
Whose piercing voice it was had reach'd his ear.
His lance flies, and one felon bites the ground;
The other turns, and turns for a death wound.
Their champion moved the rescued twain to greet,
Just one embrace, and they are at his feet.
And gazed Sir Eglamour on their strange dress,
But more on the fair dame's great loveliness;
For, saving one, to him still beauty's queen,
A face so radiant had he never seen.
Together, for the sun was high in June,
They sought a shelter from the sultry noon.