Page:The Golden Violet.pdf/94

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One moment gazed the King upon his face;
The next, and they are lock'd in fast embrace,
While from their mutual eyes the warm tears run.—
The Virgin Mother hath restored his son.
Hasty thanksgivings, anxious words were said;
Joy for the living, sorrow for the dead,
Mingled together. Oh! for those sweet ties
By which blood links affection's sympathies;
Out on the heartless creed which nulls the claim
Upon the heart of kindred, birth, and name.
Together seek they now the regal hall
So long unknown to aught of festival;
One fill'd with mourning, as now fill'd with joy,
While thousands gather round the princely boy.

    Open'd the King his treasury, and gave
His bounty forth free as the boundless wave;

G 3