Page:The Gospel by Wireless - James Ebenezer Boon.djvu/9

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When I came to London, more than twenty years ago, the hoardings were covered with the notice; "When you see it in the Sun it is so," all of which only made way for the retort: "And when you see it in the '——,' it isn't.". The late Sir Wilfred Lawson used to say that it only needed The Times and the House of Lords to be against a measure of reform to prove that the reform was overdue and wanted; but be these things what they may, it is very significant that when you find such great journals as The Times and The Daily Telegraph devoting space to the subject of "wireless sermons," it may be taken from that alone that the matter has in it something of national importance. That there are difficulties ahead no one will deny. The Postmaster General will tell you that, and the wireless companies will tell you the same thing; but if difficulties there are, they are there to be overcome. I am not concerned with the secular side of things. The point to which I would draw the attention of the whole Church of the living God is this, that I have preached the Gospel