Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/103

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and bait and throw some lure in the water. Then from the deep water the fish will rise and come nearer, and you will be able to see and catch them. You wish me to show you God while you sit quietly by, without making the least effort. How unreasonable! You would have me set the curds, churn the butter, and hold it before your mouths. You ask me to catch the fish and place it in your hands. How unreasonable! If a man desires to see the King in his palace, he will have to go to the palace and pass through all the gates; but if after entering the outermost gate he exclaims, "Where is the King?" he will not find him. He must go on through the seven gates, then he will see the King. Mahima: Bhagavan, by what kind of work can God be attained? Ramakrishna: There is no difference in work. Do not think that this work will lead to God and that will not. Everything depends upon His Grace. Whatever work you perform with Work and grace. sincerity and earnest longing will attract His Grace and help towards realization. Through His Grace the conditions for realization will become perfect. These con- ditions are association with the holy, right dis-