Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/109

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beat him until he was knocked unconscious on the ground. Another man, seeing his condition, went to the monastery and told what had happened. His brother monks ran to the spot where the holy man was lying. They lifted him and brought him to the monastery and laid him in a room; but the holy man still remained unconscious for a long time. Sorrowful and anxious, his brothers fanned him, bathed his face, put milk into his mouth and tried to nurse him back to life. Gradually they brought him back to consciousness. The holy man opened his eyes and looked at his fellow-brethren. One of them, desiring to know whether he could recognize his friends, asked him in a loud voice: "Maharaj, dost thou recognize him who is feeding thee with milk?" The holy man answered in a feeble voice: "Brother, he who beat me is now feeding me." And Ramakrishna added: But one cannot realize this oneness of the Spirit unless one has reached God-consciousness. Live in the world like a dead leaf. As a dead leaf is carried by the wind into a house or on the roadside and has no choice of its Resignation. own, so let the wind or Divine Will blow you wherever it chooses. Now it has placed you in the world, be contented