Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/119

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Sri Ramakrishna desired to meet Pandit Iswara Chandra Vidyasagara. One afternoon he was seen coming in a carriage with some of his disciples all the way from Dakshineswara, a distance of about six miles, to pay a visit to the Pandit at Badurbagan in Calcutta. As the carriage passed before Raja Rammohun Roy's[2]


  1. Pandit Iswara Chandra Vidyasagara was the greatest Hindu scholar of his time in Calcutta. He was a true philanthropist, a patriot an educationalist, and the founder of the Metropolitan Institution in Calcutta. The word Vidyasagara is a Sanskrit title which he acquired on account of his vast erudition. It means "ocean of knowledge."
  2. Raja, Rammohun Roy was a great Hindu reformer who lived between 1774 and 1833 A.D. He was the first earnest-minded investigator of the science of comparative religion that the world has produced. He studied the Vedas in Sanskrit and the Buddhist Scriptures in the original Pali